Adding background to simulations background/std
Add background to simulations to represent concentrations with a regional model, including influence of emissions outside the domain of simulations.
This is to be applied for Rödenbeck approach inversions, with a beckground pre-computed at correct locations from a global model with regional emissions switched-off.
See details of this approach in Rödenbeck et al., 2009.
YAML arguments#
The following arguments are used to configure the plugin. pyCIF will return an exception at the initialization if mandatory arguments are not specified, or if any argument does not fit accepted values or type:
Mandatory arguments#
- spec : str, mandatory
The species to process for the background.
Optional arguments#
- parameter : str, optional
Parameter name on which the transform works on
- component : str, optional
Component name on which the transform works on
- orig_parameter_plg : Plugin, optional
Plugin object on which the transform works on
- orig_component_plg : Plugin, optional
Corresponding component object on which the transform works on
- successor : str, optional
Name of the successor transform
- precursor : str, optional
Name of the precursor transform
YAML template#
Please find below a template for a YAML configuration:
2 plugin:
3 name: background
4 version: std
5 type: transform
7 # Mandatory arguments
8 spec: XXXXX # str
10 # Optional arguments
11 parameter: XXXXX # str
12 component: XXXXX # str
13 orig_parameter_plg: XXXXX # Plugin
14 orig_component_plg: XXXXX # Plugin
15 successor: XXXXX # str
16 precursor: XXXXX # str