Input files#

LMDZ-SACS input files are all in NetCDF format for binary files and namelist format for text files (execpt trajectory files which are save in raw binary format for I/O speed).


NetCDF files containing species related fields can be named and formated in two ways:

  • [fieldtype].nc: can contain data for several species

  • [fieldtype]_[spec].nc: can contain data for only one species [spec] (this naming scheme has priority when LMDZ search for a NetCDF file)

Variables for a species "spec" are be named spec for forward or adjoint variables and spec_tl for tangent linear variables

Parameters file#

  • parameters.nml: namelist containing the parameters of the model

Domain files#

  • 3D domain coordinates (latitude, longitude, hybrid sigma pressure levels)

  • domain grid geometry (only used for dynamico grid)

Mass fluxes files#

  • 3 hourly mean of dynamics variables

  • 3 hourly mean of dynamics variables (only used for regular grid)

  • 3 hourly mean of physics variables, most variable are sparse and thus are compressed

Observation file#

  • observation information

    • time variable: observation time in seconds since first day of the month

    • icell variable: observation cell index (only used for dynamico grid)

    • ilon variable: observation longitude index (only used for regular grid)

    • ilat variable: observation latitude index (only used for regular grid)

    • ilon variable: observation longitude index

    • itrac variable: observation tracer index

    • obs_ad variable: mixing ratio sensitivity, required for adjoint

Chemistry files#

Chemical scheme file#

  • chemical_scheme.nml: namelist containing the parameters of the chemistry scheme (species names, reactions)

Kinetic file#

  • daily 3D fields used to compute chemical reaction rates

    • pmid (time, lev, lat, lon) variable: pressure at mid-level in Pa

    • temp (time, lev, lat, lon) variable: temperature in K

Prescribed concentrations files#

  •, prescrconcs_[species].nc: daily 3D fields of prescribed concentrations in mol/mol

    • [species] (time, lev, lat, lon) or (time, lev, cell) variable: prescribed concentrations, required for forward, tangent linear and adjoint

    • [species]_tl (time, lev, lat, lon) or (time, lev, cell) variable: prescribed concentrations increments, required for tangent linear


Prescribed concentrations files are typically linked and not written by CIF, thus tangent linear and forward variables are always in separated files

Production and loss files#

  •, prodloss3d_[species].nc: daily 3D fields of production (and loss if negative) in molec/cm3

    • [species] (time, lev, lat, lon) or (time, lev, cell) variable: production/loss concentrations, required for forward, tangent linear and adjoint

    • [species]_tl (time, lev, lat, lon) or (time, lev, cell) variable: production/loss concentrations increments, required for tangent linear


Production concentrations files are typically linked and not written by CIF, thus tangent linear and forward variables are always in separated files

Deposition velocity files#

  •, depositon_[species].nc: daily 2D fields of deposition velocity in cm/s

    • [species], Dep_[species] (time, lat, lon) or (time, cell) deposition velocity

Photochemistry rates file#

  • daily 3D fields of rates for photolysis reactions