

LMDZ-Dispersion is the offline version of the Global Circulation Model LMDZ. It was originally customized to be interfaced with PYVAR. The PYVAR interface was adapted to be implemented to the CIF. More details can be found here.

pyCIF requires the following arguments to set a LMDZ simulation up:

  • periods:

    length of simulation sub-segments. Should be compatible with Pandas frequency syntax (details here); this argument should be compatible with LMDZ inputs (most of the time monthly sub-segments, which corresponds to periods = ‘1MS’, meaning every 1st of the month in pandas); optional; default is ‘1MS’

  • fileexec:

    the model executable, as compiled in the pyCIF directory

  • filedef:

    a template for the definition file; includes some information about the model configuration

  • restart:

    initial concentrations to use for the run:

    • dir: directory where to find the initial conditions

    • file: file name format, following pyCIF guidelines

  • chemistry:

    arguments to handle chemistry with the SACS chemistry module (Pison et al., 2009); optional

    • kinetic:

      files to fetch variables related to chemical kinetics (temperature, pressure, reaction rates)

    • deposition:

      species with deposition velocity and corresponding files

    • prodloss2d:

      species with 3D chemical production or destruction and corresponding files

    • prescribed:

      species with fixed fields; these species are not transported; LMDZ need fields as molecules.cm -3; it is possible to prescribe OH in VMR while setting convOH to True to compute the conversion on-the-fly

  • species:

    species to be transported and be applied chemistry in the model; dir/file are optional if fluxes for the corresponding species are already specified in the control vector, but they are necessary if no flux component correspond to that species in the control vector

    • restart_id:

      corresponding IDs in the restart files; these IDs are supposed to be in the form qXXX

    • dir:

      directory to the flux files corresponding to the species

    • file:

      file format for flux files

  • dump:

    True to save concentration output fields as NetCDF files; optional; default is False

Extra arguments below are for expert users only:

  • physic/thermals:

    include physics and thermals.

Below an exemple of a corresponding Yaml paragraph:

model :
    name    : LMDZ
    version : std

  # Length of simulation sub-periods (use a Pandas frequency syntax)
  periods: 1MS

  # Executable
  fileexec : ~/CIF/model_sources/DISPERSION_gch/dispersion.e

  # Definition file (includes some parameters for the simulation)
  filedef  : ~/CIF/model_sources/DISPERSION_gch/def/run.def

  # Initial conditions recovered from:
    dir : ~/RESTART/LMDZ/39L/
    file : lmdz5.inca.restart.an%Y.m%mj01.nc

  # Include physics and thermals
  physic : True
  thermals : False

  # Chemistry
  chemistry :
    kinetic :
      dir : ~/In/lmdzinca/
      file : TransCom.vmr.1_scaler.CH2O.m%m.nc
    deposition :
      CH2O :
        dir : ~/In/lmdzinca/
        file : TransCom.vmr.1_scaler.CH2O.m%m.nc
    prodloss3d :
      CH2O :
        dir : ~/In/lmdzinca/
        file : TransCom.vmr.1_scaler.CH2O.m%m.nc
    prescribed :
      OH :
        dir : ~/In/lmdzinca/
        file : TransCom.vmr.1_scaler.CH2O.m%m.nc
        convOH : False
      O1D :
        dir : ~/In/lmdzinca/
        file : TransCom.vmr.1_scaler.CH2O.m%m.nc

  # Species to be transported in the model
        restart_id: 27
        dir: ~/In/priorflux/flx_monthly/zb/TOTAL/
        file: sflx_CO_CH4_MCF_lmdz9696_%Y_phy.nc
        restart_id: 06
        dir: ~/In/priorflux/flx_monthly/zb/TOTAL/
        file: sflx_CO_CH4_MCF_lmdz9696_%Y_phy.nc
        restart_id: 28
        dir: ~/In/priorflux/flx_monthly/zb/TOTAL/
        file: sflx_CO_CH4_MCF_lmdz9696_%Y_phy.nc
        restart_id: 33
        dir: ~/In/priorflux/flx_monthly/zb/TOTAL/
        file: sflx_CO_CH4_MCF_lmdz9696_%Y_phy.nc

  # Dump outputs into a NetCDF file
  dump: True