Forward simulations

Forward simulations#


This mode simply runs the transport model in forward mode. Depending on how the model and the system is set up, it will compute observation equivalent and/or save all the 4d concentration fields.


The corresponding Yaml paragraph is:

    name: forward
    version: std
  perturb_obsvect: True
  obserror: 0.01

The Yaml arguments are:

  • perturb_obsvect: perturbs or not outputs to create virtual observations; default is True

  • obserror: observation error in % to apply for perturbing original outputs


A forward run requires the following plugins to be executed properly:

  1. an observation operator

    to compute \(\mathbf{x} \rightarrow \mathcal{H}(\mathbf{x})\); optional: default is (standard, std)

  2. a control vector

    for simple manipulations before passing to the observation operator; optional: default is (standard, std)

The following plugins are indirectly needed to compute a forward run, through the observation operator (see details here):

  1. an observation vector

    to define observations to be compared with; optional: default is (‘’standard’’, ‘’std’’)

  2. a numerical model;



The following Yaml file compute a forward simulation with the toy Gaussian model:

# pyCIF config file #

# Define here all parameters for pyCIF following Yaml syntax
# For details on Yaml syntax, please see:

# For non-specified parameters, one can either comment the corresponding line
# or give the value "null"

# Some parameters are switches that need to be activated or not.
# pyCIF expects a boolean True/False
# Yaml accepts the following syntax to be converted to booleans:
# y|Y|yes|Yes|YES|n|N|no|No|NO|true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE|on|On|ON|off|Off|OFF
# This offers flexibility, but one should stick to a style for consistency

# pyCIF parameters

# Verbose level
# 1 = Basic information
# 2 = Debugging
verbose : 1

# Log file (to be saved in $wordkir)
logfile: pyCIF.logtest

# Execution directory
workdir : /home/chimereges/aberchet/CIF_dummy_test/

# Initial date
# Use the following compatible format for the date:
# YYYY-mm-dd or YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm
datei : 2010-01-01

# End date (same as for the initial date)
datef : 2010-01-05

# To-Do for initializing pyCIF
# Can be commented if running pyCIF directly
#todo_init: [measurements]

# Running mode for pyCIF
    name: forward
    version: std
  perturb_obsvect: True
  obserror: 0.01

# Transport model
# Accepts any model registered in pycif.models
model :
    name    : dummy
    version : std

  # H matrix
  file_pg : ~/CIF/model_sources/dummy_gauss/Pasquill-Gifford.txt

# Measurements to account for
# Main keys are:
# - infos: infos on tracers to include in the simulation
# - file_monitor: standard txt file including all observations
measurements :
    name: random
    version: std

 # File where to save data, if does not exist. Reads from there if exists
  file_monitor :  ~/CIF_dummy_test/
  dump_type : nc
  species :
    # List of tracers to include in the monitor file
    # For each tracer observations, please specify:
    # - provider = list of observation providers
    # - format = list of format types
    # - dir_obs = directory where to find observation files
    # - err_obs (optional) = uncertainty on observations
    # - depos (optional) = surface deposition file
    # - rescale (optional) = true to change observation scale if necessary
    # - na_values (optional) = invalid values to exclude. Default is -999
    # - default_unit (optional) = basic unit for reporting the tracer
    #                             everything is then converted to ppm
    # - dump (optional) = dump to a monitor file. Default is True
    # For tracer fluxes, please specify:
    # - dir_flx: directory where reference fluxes are already computed
    # - file_flx: file format to recover fluxes from
    CH4 :
      frequency: '1H'
      nstations: 30
      duration: '1H'
      random_subperiod_shift: True
      zmax: 100


# How to build your observation vector and observation uncertainties if needed
# Also projects information from the observation to the model space
# - file_obsvect: observation vector from previous simulations
    name: standard
    version: std
  file_obsvect : ~/CIF_dummy_test/
  dump_type: nc

# Arguments to define the state vector
# These are specifi to the state vector and inversion method you chose
# Please refer to the documentation to know what to include here
# For the standard LMDZ, include the following:
# - filelsm: land-sea mask (must be consistent with LMDZ grid)
# - correl: Use correlation or not in B
# - dircorrel: path to pre-computed correlations
# - sigma_land: spatial correlation length for prior errors over land (km)
# - sigma_sea: spatial correlation length for prior errors over ocean (km)
# - tracers: list of tracers to put in the state vector (with definition arguments):
#     - calcstd: calculate global standard deviation
#     - hresol: resolution at which fields are scaled
#            (choice = bands,regions,pixels;
#             if regions, provide a netcdf file fileregion
#             if bands, define a list of latitudes as band limits (n+1 for n bands)
#     - periodflux: period of variation for increments within a month (days)
#     - glob_err (optional) = uncertainty on global budget

    name: standard
    version: std
  save_out_netcdf: True
        CH4 :
            name: 'dummy'
            version: 'txt'
          hresol : hpixels
          type : physical
          errtype : max
          err : 1
          period : '1D'
          dir: ~/CIF_dummy_test/controlvect/
          file: flx_real.txt
          hcorrelations :
            landsea: False
            dump_hcorr : True
            dircorrel : ~/CIF_dummy_test/controlvect/
            sigma: 1000
          tcorrelations :
            sigma_t: 5
          flx_text: 'CIF'


# Domain definition
domain :
  plugin :
    name : dummy
    version : std
  xmin: 0
  xmax: 25000
  nlon: 30
  ymin: 0
  ymax: 20000
  nlat: 15

# Meteo definition
meteo :
  plugin :
    name : dummy
    version : csv
  dirmeteo : ~/CIF/data/dummy_gauss/
  filemeteo : meteo.csv