CHIMERE/gasJtab CHIMERE/gasJtab#

YAML arguments#

The following arguments are used to configure the plugin. pyCIF will return an exception at the initialization if mandatory arguments are not specified, or if any argument does not fit accepted values or type:

Mandatory arguments#

schemeid : str, mandatory

Name of the chemical scheme

Optional arguments#

nreactamax : int, optional, default 4

Max number of reactants/reaction

ntemps : int, optional, default 4

Number of tabul. temperatures for stoichio.

ntabmax : int, optional, default 22

Max number of rate constants

nlevphotmax : int, optional, default 50

Max number of tabulated photolysis levels

ntabuzenmax : int, optional, default 20

Max number of tabulated zenith angles

nphotmax : int, optional, default 50

Max number of photolysis reactions

dir_precomp : str, optional

Directory where pre-defined chemical schemes are stored. The assumed structure is: ${dir_precomp}/${schemeid}/

acspecies : optional

List of active species and corresponding parameters

Argument structure:
any_key : optional

Name of a species.

Argument structure:
restart_id : optional

ID of the species in the LMDZ restart files. If the ID is an integer, the variable name to be found in files has the format q{:02d}.

To explicitly specify the variable name to look for in files, use the format explicit_XXXX; in that case, all characters after explicit_ make the species/variable name.

mass : optional

Molar mass of the species

htransport : 1 or 2 or 0, optional, default 2

Vertical transport scheme to use in CHIMERE

  • 1: PPM scheme

  • 2: Van Leer

  • 0: Upwind

vtransport : 1 or 2, optional, default 1

Vertical transport scheme to use in CHIMERE

  • 1: Upwind

  • 2: Van Leer

bound_dry : bool, optional, default True

Apply a conversion to humid concentration if dry

outspecies : optional, default <pycif.utils.classes.chemistries.Chemistry object at 0x7f5026b71d00>

List of output species and corresponding parameters

Argument structure:
any_key : optional

Name of a species.

Argument structure:
output_frac : -1 or 0 or 1, optional, default 0

In CHIMERE, computed concentrations are in fraction of total air (i.e., wet). It is possible to convert it to dry, or apply any other conversion factor.

  • -1: Keep CHIMERE wet concentrations

  • 0: Dry concentrations

  • 1: Any positive number is applied as is to wet concentrations

emis_species : optional, default <pycif.utils.classes.chemistries.Chemistry object at 0x7f5026b71d60>

List of emitted species with constant emissions on corresponding time steps. Use for all emitted species for LMDZ. Corresponds to ANTHROPOGENIC species in CHIMERE

Argument structure:
any_key : optional

Name of a species.

Argument structure:

bio_species : optional, default <pycif.utils.classes.chemistries.Chemistry object at 0x7f5026b7c3a0>

List of emitted species with interpolated emissions between time steps. Do not use for LMDZ. Corresponds to BIOGENIC species in CHIMERE

Argument structure:
any_key : optional

Name of a species.

Argument structure:

families : optional, default <pycif.utils.classes.chemistries.Chemistry object at 0x7f5026b92370>

List of families of species. Only for CHIMERE

Argument structure:
any_key : optional

Name of a species.

Argument structure:

photo_parameters : optional, default <pycif.utils.classes.chemistries.Chemistry object at 0x7f5026b923d0>

Information about photolysis parameters

Argument structure:
ntabuzen : optional, default 0

Number of zenithal angles for which values are given

nphot : optional, default 0

Number of species for which values are given

nwavel : optional, default 3

Not used anywere…

altiphot : optional, default []

Levels (in meters above ground level) at which photolysis rates are given

YAML template#

Please find below a template for a YAML configuration:

 2  plugin:
 3    name: CHIMERE
 4    version: gasJtab
 5    type: chemistry
 7  # Mandatory arguments
 8  schemeid: XXXXX  # str
10  # Optional arguments
11  nreactamax: XXXXX  # int
12  ntemps: XXXXX  # int
13  ntabmax: XXXXX  # int
14  nlevphotmax: XXXXX  # int
15  ntabuzenmax: XXXXX  # int
16  nphotmax: XXXXX  # int
17  dir_precomp: XXXXX  # str
18  acspecies:
19    any_key:
20      restart_id: XXXXX  # any
21      mass: XXXXX  # any
22      htransport: XXXXX  # 1|2|0
23      vtransport: XXXXX  # 1|2
24      bound_dry: XXXXX  # bool
25  outspecies:
26    any_key:
27      output_frac: XXXXX  # -1|0|1
28  emis_species:
29    any_key:
30  bio_species:
31    any_key:
32  families:
33    any_key:
34  photo_parameters:
35    ntabuzen: XXXXX  # any
36    nphot: XXXXX  # any
37    nwavel: XXXXX  # any
38    altiphot: XXXXX  # any