Standard pyCIF observation vector

Observation vectors store observation points (not necessary exactly raw measurements) and include related operations, such as matrix product with observation uncertainties.

Only a standard observation vector is implemented at the moment.


The observation vector loads functions, but also observation data. This is done with the following arguments:

  • file_obsvect: the file with the observation data (see

    here for further details on the format); optional; if not specified, tries computing measurements as set-up here; if computation fails (due to, e.g., empty measurements), passes an empty data store for later operations

  • dump: dumps newly computed observation vector to:bash:file_obsvect

    if True; optional; default is True

  • dump_type (optional) = dump monitor either as a NetCDF (nc)

    or a CSV file (csv); default is csv

  • file_statlev: file specifying station vertical in the level

    (should soon be generalized)

  • wfunc: weighting functions for satellites; optional; default is



The observation vector requires the following plugins to be executed properly:

1. measurements storing un-processed observations; optional: default is an empty datastore

2. a model to define the control vector shape and corresponding operations; mandatory