Inversions with surface stations#
1. Prepare the data to assimilate#
Constraints are put into a CIF monitor file for a set of core stations:
##################################################### # This code is provided by: I. Pison # contact: # date: June 2022 # project: H2020 VERIFY # relation to CIF: uses plugins, not embedded in. # It is an example, to be used as a basis # for developing other work. # No guarantee as to its compatibility or results # is attached since it is not part of the CIF # Please don't forget acknowledgements if you use it. ##################################################### import pandas as pd import numpy as np from pycif.utils.datastores.dump import dump_datastore, read_datastore from pycif.utils.datastores.empty import init_empty import glob import datetime import sys dir_data = '/home/chimereicos/VERIFYdataWP4/Obs2021/core/' spec = 'ch4' max_unc = 2000. # Initializes an empty datastore ds = pd.DataFrame() # put errors from Szenasi et al., 2021: # A pragmatic protocol for characterising errors # in atmospheric inversions of methane emissions over Europe, # Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, # 10.1080/16000889.2021.1914989 TNO_obs_error_file = 'Obs_error_file.txt' f = open(TNO_obs_error_file, 'r') TNO_obs_error = f.readlines()[1:] f.close() TNO_error_station = [] TNO_station_category = [] TNO_LBC_error = np.empty([len(TNO_obs_error)]) TNO_T_error = np.empty([len(TNO_obs_error)]) TNO_repr_error = np.empty([len(TNO_obs_error)]) for ii in range(len(TNO_obs_error)): TNO_obs_error_list = TNO_obs_error[ii].split() TNO_error_station.append(TNO_obs_error_list[0]) TNO_station_category.append(TNO_obs_error_list[1]) if TNO_obs_error_list[2] != 'NaN' : TNO_LBC_error[ii] = int(TNO_obs_error_list[2]) TNO_T_error[ii] = int(TNO_obs_error_list[3]) TNO_repr_error[ii] = int(TNO_obs_error_list[4]) else: TNO_LBC_error[ii] = np.nan TNO_T_error[ii] = np.nan TNO_repr_error[ii] = np.nan # squares of errors montain_seor_mean = np.empty([len(TNO_obs_error)]) costal_seor_mean = np.empty([len(TNO_obs_error)]) other_seor_mean = np.empty([len(TNO_obs_error)]) for jj in range(len(TNO_obs_error)): if TNO_station_category[jj] == 'M': montain_seor_mean[jj] = np.sqrt((TNO_LBC_error[jj])**2 +\ (TNO_T_error[jj])**2 +\ (TNO_repr_error[jj])**2) else: montain_seor_mean[jj] = np.nan if TNO_station_category[jj] == 'C': costal_seor_mean[jj] = np.sqrt((TNO_LBC_error[jj])**2 +\ (TNO_T_error[jj])**2 +\ (TNO_repr_error[jj])**2) else: costal_seor_mean[jj] = np.nan if TNO_station_category[jj] == 'O': other_seor_mean[jj] = np.sqrt((TNO_LBC_error[jj])**2 +\ (TNO_T_error[jj])**2 +\ (TNO_repr_error[jj])**2) else: other_seor_mean[jj] = np.nan # Mountain station or not, according to S. Houweling information dt = pd.read_csv('/home/users/ipison/CHIMERE/VERIFY/intercomp_EU/CH4_observation_sitelist.csv', sep=',') # Read VERIFY provided files list_files = glob.glob("{}/{}_*.csv".format(dir_data,spec)) nb_header_lines = 9 for fi in list_files: fc=open(fi,'r') alllines = fc.readlines() data = alllines[nb_header_lines - 1] columns = data.split(' ') fc.close() station = fi.split('_')[nbstat].upper() # time zone for selecting night/day hours for l in alllines[:nb_header_lines]: info = l.split(' ')[0] if info == 'timezone': utc = l.split('+') if len(utc) > 1: shift = int(utc[1]) else: shift = 0 df = pd.read_csv(fi, delimiter=',', header= nb_header_lines-1, names = columns) # Information to put into the monitor file: # date df.loc[df['minute'] > 60, 'minute'] = 0 df['Time']=df['year'].astype(str)+'/'+\ df['month'].astype(str)+'/'+\ df['day'].astype(str)+'/'+df['hour'].astype(str)+'/'+df['minute'].astype(str) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Time'],format='%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M') # duration (hours) df = df.assign(duration = 1.) # station df.rename(columns={'siteid': 'station', 'longitude': 'lon', 'latitude': 'lat'}, inplace=True) # filter on time and type of station # 12:00 to 16:00 local time for not-mountain, 0:00 to 6:00 local time for mountain is_mountain = dt['Mountain site'].loc[dt['ID'] == station].values[0] df['local time'] = df['hour'] + shift if is_mountain == 'No': df = df.loc[ (df['local time'] < 16) & (df['local time'] >= 12)] else: df = df.loc[ (df['local time'] < 6) & (df['local time'] >= 0)] # network df = df.assign(network = 'VERIFYcore') # parameter df = df.assign(parameter = spec.upper()) # obs df.rename(columns={'value':'obs'}, inplace = True) # filter out negative concentrations! df = df.loc[df['obs'] >= 0.] # obserror # filter out negative uncertainties df = df.loc[df['value_unc'] >=0. ] if station in TNO_error_station: print(station + ' is in TNO_error_station') if (len(df) == (df['value_unc'] >= 0.).sum()) and \ (len(df) == (df['value_unc'] - df['obs'] <0.).sum()) and \ (len(df) == (df['value_unc'] < max_unc).sum()): print('OK error') if ~np.isnan(TNO_LBC_error[TNO_error_station.index(station)]): df['obserror'] = np.sqrt( \ (TNO_LBC_error[TNO_error_station.index(station)])**2 + \ (TNO_T_error[TNO_error_station.index(station)])**2 + \ (TNO_repr_error[TNO_error_station.index(station)])**2 + df['value_unc']**2 \ ) elif TNO_station_category[TNO_error_station.index(station)] == 'C': df['obserror'] = np.sqrt( \ (np.nanmean(costal_seor_mean))**2 + df['value_unc']**2 \ ) elif TNO_station_category[TNO_error_station.index(station)] == 'M': df['obserror'] = np.sqrt( \ (np.nanmean(montain_seor_mean))**2 + df['value_unc']**2 \ ) elif TNO_station_category[TNO_error_station.index(station)] == 'O': df['obserror'] = np.sqrt( \ (np.nanmean(other_seor_mean))**2 + df['value_unc']**2 \ ) else: print('not OK for error') sys.exit() else: print(station + ' is NOT in TNO_error_station') sys.exit() # alt (m a.s.l) df.rename(columns={'altitude': 'alt'}, inplace = True) # extend the output datastore column2save = ['date', 'duration', 'station', 'network', 'parameter', 'lon', 'lat', 'obs', 'obserror', 'alt'] ds = ds.append(df.loc[:, column2save]) # Dump the datastore dump_datastore(ds, "{}/monitor_VERIFYcore_{}.nc".format(dir_data, spec), dump_default=False, col2dump=ds.columns) # Checking the consistency of the datastore when reading ds2 = read_datastore("")
1. Automatically make one job per year#
One job per year is run, based on the following configuration file yml.sed:
##################### # PYCIF config file # ##################### ##################################################################### ##################################################################### # PYCIF parameters pycif_root: &pycif_root /home/users/ipison/cif/ workdir: &workdir /home/chimereicos/VERIFYoutputs/surface-inv3-_YYYY_ outdir: &outdir !join [*workdir, /outdir] # Verbose level verbose: 1 # Log file (to be saved in $wordkir) #logfile: tltestlog logfile: pyCIF_inv.logtest # Initial date datei: _YYYY_-01-01 00:00:00 datef: _YYNN_-01-01 00:00:00 ##################################################################### ##################################################################### # Running mode for PYCIF mode: minimizer: maxiter: 20 epsg: 0.1 df1: 0.01 plugin: name: M1QN3 version: std simulator: plugin: name: gausscost version: std reload_from_previous: true plugin: name: 4dvar version: std save_out_netcdf: true ##################################################################### ##################################################################### # Observation operator obsoperator: plugin: name: standard version: std type: obsoperator autorestart: True ##################################################################### ##################################################################### controlvect: plugin: name: standard version: std type: controlvect # save_out_netcdf: True ##################################################################### ##################################################################### # Transport model model : plugin: name: CHIMERE version : std type: model direxec: !join [*pycif_root, /model_sources/chimereGES/] nphour_ref: 6 ichemstep: 2 ideepconv: 0 nivout: 17 nlevemis: 1 nzdoms: 6 nmdoms: 1 force_clean_run: True useRAMonly: True ignore_input_dates: True #################################################################### ##################################################################### obsvect: plugin: name: standard version: std type: obsvect dir_obsvect: !join [*outdir, /ref_obsvect] dump_type: nc ##################################################################### ##################################################################### platform: plugin: name: LSCE version: obelix ##################################################################### ##################################################################### # Domain definition domain : plugin: name : CHIMERE version : std repgrid : /home/chimereges/PYCIF_TEST_DATA/CHIMERE/domains domid : EUROCOMex3 nlev: 17 p1: 997 pmax: 200 ##################################################################### ##################################################################### # Chemical scheme chemistry: plugin: name: CHIMERE version: gasJtab schemeid: ges.espigrad.humid dir_precomp : /home/users/ipison/CHIMERE/VERIFY/WP4_surface/ ##################################################################### ##################################################################### datavect: plugin: name: standard version: std components: meteo: plugin: name: CHIMERE version: std type: meteo dir: /home/satellites15/afortems/data_EUROCOM/%Y/ file: file_freq: 1D concs: parameters: CH4: dir: /home/chimereicos/VERIFYdataWP4/Obs2021/core/ file: vertical_interpolation: file_statlev: /home/users/ipison/CHIMERE/VERIFY/WP4_surface/stations_levels_CHIMERE17lev.txt flux: parameters: CH4: plugin: name: CHIMERE version: AEMISSIONS type: flux dir: /home/chimereicos/VERIFYdataWP4/Fluxes_intercomp_EU/ file: file_freq: 1D hresol : hpixels vresol : vpixels tresol: 24H nlev : 1 err : 1.0 hcorrelations: landsea: True sigma_land: 200 sigma_sea: 1000 filelsm: /home/users/ipison/CHIMERE/VERIFY/intercomp_EU/ dump_hcorr: True tcorrelations: sigma_t: 2500H dump_tcorr: True inicond: parameters: CH4: plugin: name: CAMS version: netcdf type: field dir: /home/comdata2/Fields/CAMSv19r1/ comp_type: inicond file_freq: 1MS file: hresol: hpixels vresol: vpixels nlev: 34 err: 0.1 hcorrelations: sigma: 1000 latcond: parameters: CH4: plugin: name: CAMS version: netcdf type: field dir: /home/comdata2/Fields/CAMSv19r1/ file: comp_type: latcond file_freq: 1MS hresol: hpixels vresol: vpixels tresol : 2D nlev: 34 err: 0.1 hcorrelations: sigma: 1000 tcorrelations: sigma_t: 120H topcond: parameters: CH4: plugin: name: CAMS version: netcdf type: field dir: /home/comdata2/Fields/CAMSv19r1/ file: comp_type: topcond file_freq: 1MS hresol: global tresol : 2D err: 0.1 tcorrelations: sigma_t: 120H
To fill-in a .sed file, you may use cat
to replace the variables, as illustrated in the script for a job in 2015:
#!/bin/sh -login echo "Machine on which the job is running:" hostname # User' choices: # Give year to run year=2015 # Give directory for the .yml.sed file dirsed=$HOME/VERIFY/ # next year for end of simulation ynext=$[ year + 1 ] # Path of the yml.sed file to use fyml=${dirsed}/config_chimere_inv_1Y # Fill-in the yaml.sed into a .yml cat << EOD > ${fyml}${year}.yml.sed-commands s,_YYYY_,${year}, s,_YYNN_,${ynext}, s,_INI_,INI_CONCS.${year}0101_${year}, EOD sed -f ${fyml}${year}.yml.sed-commands ${fyml}.yaml.sed > ${fyml}${year}.yml # Run the CIF time python -m pycif ${fyml}${year}.yml
3. Post-processing#
Post-processing of the results include:
a. Maps of fluxes and increments#
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##################################################### # This code is provided by: I. Pison # contact: # date: June 2022 # project: H2020 VERIFY # relation to CIF: uses plugins, not embedded in. # It is an example, to be used as a basis # for developing other work. # No guarantee as to its compatibility or results # is attached since it is not part of the CIF # Please don't forget acknowledgements if you use it. ##################################################### import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pycif.utils.netcdf import readnc from pycif.utils.datastores import dump import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors from matplotlib import ticker import datetime import xarray as xr import as crs from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import InsetPosition import cartopy from cartopy.feature import ShapelyFeature from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER dir_results = '/home/chimereicos/VERIFYoutputs/surface-inv2-' dir_out = '/controlvect/flux/' year_beg = 2005 year_end = 2017 Na = 6.022e23 fs = 15 list_pr = [] list_po =[] list_diff= [] for yy in range(year_beg, year_end + 1, 1): print(yy) fcv = '{}{}{}/'.format(dir_results, yy, dir_out) flpr = readnc(fcv,['xb_phys']) flpo = readnc(fcv,['x_phys']) list_pr.append(flpr.mean(axis=0)[0,:,:]/ Na * 16.e6) # molec -> microgCH4 list_po.append(flpo.mean(axis=0)[0,:,:]/ Na * 16.e6) # molec -> microgCH4 diff = (flpo - flpr)/flpr * 100. list_diff.append(diff.mean(axis=0)[0,:,:]) clon = readnc(fcv,['longitudes_corner']) clat = readnc(fcv,['latitudes_corner']) ############ # To plot: # ############ rivers = cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature( category='physical', name='rivers_lake_centerlines', scale='10m', facecolor='none', edgecolor='blue') borders = cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature( category='cultural', name='admin_0_boundary_lines_land', scale='10m', facecolor='none', edgecolor='black') ############# # plot maps # ############# # color scale with Ncolor colors from cmap base colormap for fluxes Ncolor = 15 cmap = cmaplist = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, Ncolor)) cmap_plot = cmap.from_list('custom', cmaplist, Ncolor) # same for increments Ncolor2 = 11 cmap2 = cmaplist2 = cmap2(np.linspace(0, 1, Ncolor2)) cmap2 = cmap2.from_list('custom', cmaplist2, Ncolor2) lognorm = colors.LogNorm() ##plot a given year yy = 2010 nby = yy - year_beg fig = plt.figure(figsize=(21, 10)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows = 2, ncols = 4, width_ratios = [2,2,2,0.1], left=0., right=0.97, bottom=0, top=1, height_ratios = [1, 1 ] ,hspace = 0.01, wspace = 0.25) subprior = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,1], projection=crs.PlateCarree()) subprior.pcolor(clon, clat, list_pr[nby], norm=lognorm, cmap = cmap, transform=crs.PlateCarree()) subprior.coastlines(resolution='50m') subprior.add_feature(borders,linewidth=0.5,linestyle='--') subprior.set_title("Prior", fontsize = fs) subpost = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,2], projection=crs.PlateCarree()) im = subpost.pcolor(clon, clat, list_po[nby], norm=lognorm, cmap = cmap, transform=crs.PlateCarree()) subpost.coastlines(resolution='50m') subpost.add_feature(borders,linewidth=0.5,linestyle='--') subpost.set_title("Posterior", fontsize = f) echelle = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,3]) ip = InsetPosition(echelle, [0,0,1,1]) echelle.set_axes_locator(ip) p00 = echelle.get_position() p01 = echelle.get_position() p02 = subpost.get_position() p00_new = [p00.x0, p02.y0, p00.width, p02.height] echelle.set_position(p00_new) formatter = ticker.LogFormatter(10, labelOnlyBase=False) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, format=formatter, cax=echelle)'$^{-2}$.s$^{-1}$', fontsize = fs) subd = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,2], projection=crs.PlateCarree()) im2 = subd.pcolor(clon, clat, list_diff[nby], vmin=-100, vmax=100, cmap = cmap2, transform=crs.PlateCarree()) subd.coastlines(resolution='50m') subd.add_feature(borders,linewidth=0.5,linestyle='--') subd.set_title("Increments: posterior - prior (%)", fontsize = fs) echelle2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,3]) ip = InsetPosition(echelle2, [0,0,1,1]) echelle2.set_axes_locator(ip) p00 = echelle2.get_position() p01 = echelle2.get_position() p02 = subd.get_position() p00_new = [p00.x0, p02.y0, p00.width, p02.height] echelle2.set_position(p00_new) cbar2 = plt.colorbar(im2, cax=echelle2, ax = subd)'%', fontsize = fs) plt.savefig('flux{}.png'.format(yy))
b. Time series of mixing ratios and maps of statistical indicators at the stations#
Time series of mixing ratios at the stations make it easy to compare the observation, the prior and the analysis (obtained with the posterior emissions).
The maps of statistical indicators at the stations show the ratios of the posterior to the prior values of the bias, RMS, correlation for example.
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##################################################### # This code is provided by: I. Pison # contact: # date: June 2022 # project: H2020 VERIFY # relation to CIF: uses plugins, not embedded in. # It is an example, to be used as a basis # for developing other work. # No guarantee as to its compatibility or results # is attached since it is not part of the CIF # Please don't forget acknowledgements if you use it. ##################################################### import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pycif.utils.netcdf import readnc from pycif.utils.datastores import dump import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import datetime import from cartopy.feature import ShapelyFeature from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import InsetPosition dir_results = '/home/chimereicos/VERIFYoutputs/surface-inv2-' dir_out = '/obsoperator/fwd_' dir_monit = '/obsvect/concs/CH4/' year_beg = 2005 year_end = 2017 fs = 30 # fontsize # read monitors of all years ds_all_years = pd.DataFrame() for yy in range(year_beg, year_end + 1, 1): print(yy) fmonitpr = '{}{}{}-001{}/'.format(dir_results, yy, dir_out, dir_monit) fmonitpo = '{}{}{}-002{}/'.format(dir_results, yy, dir_out, dir_monit) dspr = dump.read_datastore(fmonitpr) dspo = dump.read_datastore(fmonitpo) dsprpo = pd.concat( [dspr, dspo['maindata']['sim']], axis = 1) ds_all_years = pd.concat( [dsprpo, ds_all_years], axis = 0) list_stations = list(ds_all_years[('metadata', 'station')].unique()) list_lat = [] list_lon = [] lat_etiq = [] lon_etiq = [] for stat in list_stations: lat = ds_all_years[('metadata', 'lat')].loc[ds_all_years[('metadata', 'station')] == stat].iloc[0] lon = ds_all_years[('metadata', 'lon')].loc[ds_all_years[('metadata', 'station')] == stat].iloc[0] list_lat.append(lat) list_lon.append(lon) if stat =='ZSF': lat_etiq.append(lat - 0.3) lon_etiq.append(lon + 0.2) elif stat =='KIT': lat_etiq.append(lat - 0.5) lon_etiq.append(lon + 0.2) else: lat_etiq.append(lat + 0.2) lon_etiq.append(lon + 0.2) dstat = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['station','Prior bias', 'Posterior bias', 'Prior rms', 'Posterior rms', 'Prior corr', 'Posterior corr']) dstat['station'] = list_stations for stat in list_stations: print(stat) ds = ds_all_years.loc[ ds_all_years[('metadata', 'station')] == stat ] ds['var'] = ds[('maindata','obserror')].pow(2) # compute bias, standard deviation, time correlation ds['prior difference'] = ds[('maindata', 'obs')] - ds[('maindata', 'sim')] ds['post difference'] = ds[('maindata', 'obs')] - ds['sim'] dstat['Prior bias'].loc[dstat['station'] == stat ] = ds['prior difference'].mean() dstat['Posterior bias'].loc[dstat['station'] == stat ] = ds['post difference'].mean() dstat['Prior rms'].loc[dstat['station'] == stat ] = np.sqrt(ds['prior difference'].pow(2).mean()) dstat['Posterior rms'].loc[dstat['station'] == stat ] = np.sqrt(ds['post difference'].pow(2).mean()) dstat['Prior corr'].loc[dstat['station'] == stat ] = ds[('maindata', 'obs')].corr(ds[('maindata', 'sim')]) dstat['Posterior corr'].loc[dstat['station'] == stat] = ds[('maindata', 'obs')].corr(ds['sim']) # monthly means ds2 = ds.resample('MS', on = ('metadata', 'date'), closed = 'left') dsm = ds2.mean() counts = ds2.size() dsm['meanobserror'] = dsm['var'].pow(0.5)/counts.pow(0.5) # plot times series at each station plt.figure(figsize=(21,11)) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', labelsize = fs/2) ax.set_xticks([datetime.datetime(i,1,1) for i in range(year_beg, year_end + 1)]) plt.title('Methane mixing ratios at {}'.format(stat), fontsize = fs) plt.xlabel('Date', size = fs) plt.ylabel('[CH4] (ppb)', size = fs) plt.errorbar(dsm.index, dsm[('maindata','obs')], \ dsm['meanobserror'], label = 'measurements', \ linestyle = '-', marker = 'o', ms = 1) plt.plot(dsm.index, dsm[('maindata','sim')], \ label = 'prior', \ linestyle = '-', marker = 'o', ms = 1) plt.plot(dsm.index, dsm['sim'], \ label = 'analysis', \ linestyle = '-', marker = 'o', ms = 1) plt.xlim(datetime.datetime(2005,1,1,0),datetime.datetime(2018,1,1,0)) plt.legend(fontsize = fs/2) plt.savefig('ts_{}.png'.format(stat)) plt.close() # maps for statistics Ncolor = 10 cmap = cmaplist = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, Ncolor)) cmap_plot = cmap.from_list('custom', cmaplist, Ncolor) cmin, cmax = 0, 2 rivers = cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature( category='physical', name='rivers_lake_centerlines', scale='10m', facecolor='none', edgecolor='blue') borders = cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature( category='cultural', name='admin_0_boundary_lines_land', scale='10m', facecolor='none', edgecolor='black') latmin=33. latmax=73. longmin=-15. longmax=35. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(21, 10)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows = 2, ncols = 3, height_ratios = [1, 0.02 ] ) s0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0], s0.scatter(list_lon, list_lat, c=np.abs(dstat['Posterior bias']/dstat['Prior bias']), s=20, cmap = cmap, marker = 's', vmin = 0, vmax = 2, edgecolors = 'k', linewidths = 0.4) s0.set_title('Ratio of posterior to prior mean difference\n between simulation and measurements') s0.set_extent([longmin, longmax, latmin, latmax]) s0.coastlines(linewidth=0.5, resolution='50m') s0.add_feature(borders, linewidth=0.5, linestyle='--') s1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], im = s1.scatter(list_lon, list_lat, c=dstat['Posterior rms']/dstat['Prior rms'], s=20, cmap = cmap, marker = 's',vmin = 0, vmax = 2, edgecolors = 'k', linewidths = 0.4) s1.set_title('Ratio of posterior to prior quadratic mean\n of the differences\n between simulation and measurements') s1.set_extent([longmin, longmax, latmin, latmax]) s1.coastlines(linewidth=0.5, resolution='50m') s1.add_feature(borders, linewidth=0.5, linestyle='--') s2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2], s2.scatter(list_lon, list_lat, c=np.abs(dstat['Posterior corr'])/np.abs(dstat['Prior corr']), s=20, cmap = cmap, marker = 's', vmin = 0, vmax = 2, edgecolors = 'k', linewidths = 0.4) s2.set_title('Ratio of posterior to prior absolute values\n of time correlation\n between simulation and measurements') s2.set_extent([longmin, longmax, latmin, latmax]) s2.coastlines(linewidth=0.5, resolution='50m') s2.add_feature(borders, linewidth=0.5, linestyle='--') cb = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,1]) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax = cb, ax = s0 , orientation = 'horizontal') plt.savefig('map_statistics.png')
c. Yearly emission budgets for various regions#
Examples here of regions are EU27+UK, EU27 countries, groups of countries:
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##################################################### # This code is provided by: I. Pison # contact: # date: June 2022 # project: H2020 VERIFY # relation to CIF: uses plugins, not embedded in. # It is an example, to be used as a basis # for developing other work. # No guarantee as to its compatibility or results # is attached since it is not part of the CIF # Please don't forget acknowledgements if you use it. ##################################################### import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pycif.utils.netcdf import readnc from pycif.utils.datastores import dump import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors import datetime import xarray as xr import as crs import netCDF4 as nc from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import InsetPosition import calendar # read masks for various regions fmasks = '/home/chimereicos/VERIFYoutputs/' fm = nc.Dataset(fmasks) nom_reg = 'EU_27+UK' reg = np.array(fm[nom_reg]) mask = (reg > 0 ) dir_results = '/home/chimereicos/VERIFYoutputs/surface-inv2-' dir_out = '/controlvect/flux/' year_beg = 2005 year_end = 2017 dy = 0.5 dx = 0.5 rearth=637103000. Na = 6.022e23 fcv = '{}{}{}/'.format(dir_results, year_beg, dir_out) zlon = readnc(fcv,['longitudes'])[0,:] zlat = readnc(fcv,['latitudes'])[:,0] nlat = len(zlat) nlon = len(zlon) area = np.zeros((nlat,nlon)) for i in range(nlat): for j in range(nlon): lat1 = zlat[i] lat2 = zlat[i] + dy # formula with lat between -90:90 area[i,j] = rearth * rearth * dx * np.pi/180. * \ (np.cos(lat1 * np.pi/180. + np.pi/2.) - \ np.cos(lat2 * np.pi/180. + np.pi/2.)) yrflregpr = [] yrflregpo = [] summ = np.zeros((2,12)) # read controlvect for yy in range(year_beg, year_end + 1, 1): print(yy) fcv = '{}{}{}/'.format(dir_results, yy, dir_out) ds = xr.open_dataset(fcv) flpr = readnc(fcv,['xb_phys']) flpo = readnc(fcv,['x_phys']) flpran = np.sum(np.sum(flpr,axis=1),axis=0) * area * 3600. / Na * 16.e-3 flpoan = np.sum(np.sum(flpo,axis=1),axis=0) * area * 3600. / Na * 16.e-3 flreg = np.sum(flpran * mask) * 1e-3 * 1e-3 # kgCH4.yr -> t/an -> kt/an yrflregpr.append(flreg) flreg = np.sum(flpoan * mask) * 1e-3 * 1e-3 # kgCH4.yr -> t/an -> kt/an yrflregpo.append(flreg) beg = 0 for m in range(12): mm = m + 1 nbd = calendar.mdays[mm] + ( mm ==2 and calendar.isleap(yy)) flprmm = np.sum(np.sum(flpr,axis=1)[beg:beg + nbd * 24],axis=0) * area * 3600. / Na * 16.e-3 flpomm = np.sum(np.sum(flpo,axis=1)[beg:beg + nbd * 24],axis=0) * area * 3600. / Na * 16.e-3 beg = beg + nbd * 24 summ[0, m] = summ[0, m] + np.sum(flprmm * mask) * 1e-3 * 1e-3 summ[1, m] = summ[1, m] + np.sum(flpomm * mask) * 1e-3 * 1e-3 #################### # plot time series # #################### fs = 25 plt.figure(figsize=(21,11)) plt.title('Methane emissions in '+nom_reg, fontsize=fs) plt.xlabel('Year', fontsize=fs) plt.ylabel('ktCH$_4$', fontsize=fs) list_ticks = [ i for i in range(year_end - year_beg + 1)] list_names = [ year_beg + i for i in range(year_end - year_beg + 1)] plt.xticks(list_ticks, list_names, fontsize=15) plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) plt.yticks(fontsize=fs), yrflregpr, label = 'prior', width=-0.4, align='edge'), yrflregpo, label = 'posterior', width=0.4, align='edge') plt.legend(fontsize=fs) plt.savefig('ts_fluxes_{}_yearly.png'.format(nom_reg)) plt.close() plt.figure(figsize=(21,11)) plt.title('Methane emissions: average seasonal cycle over '+str(year_beg)+'-'+str(year_end)+' in '+nom_reg, fontsize=fs) plt.xlabel('Month', fontsize=fs) plt.ylabel('ktCH$_4$', fontsize=fs) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', labelsize = fs/2) plt.xticks([i+1 for i in range(12)] , [str(i+1) for i in range(12) ]) nbyears = year_end - year_beg + 1 plt.plot([i+1 for i in range(12)], summ[0,:]/nbyears, label = 'prior', \ linestyle = '--', marker = 'o', ms = 8) plt.plot([i+1 for i in range(12)], summ[1,:]/nbyears, label = 'posterior', \ linestyle = '-', marker = 'o', ms = 8) plt.legend(fontsize=fs-5) plt.savefig('ts_seasonal_{}_mass.png'.format(nom_reg))
d. Time series of emissions for various regions#
Examples here of regions are EU27+UK, EU27 countries, groups of countries:
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##################################################### # This code is provided by: I. Pison # contact: # date: June 2022 # project: H2020 VERIFY # relation to CIF: uses plugins, not embedded in. # It is an example, to be used as a basis # for developing other work. # No guarantee as to its compatibility or results # is attached since it is not part of the CIF # Please don't forget acknowledgements if you use it. ##################################################### import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pycif.utils.netcdf import readnc from pycif.utils.datastores import dump import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors import datetime import xarray as xr import as crs import netCDF4 as nc from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import InsetPosition # read masks for various regions fmasks = '/home/chimereicos/VERIFYoutputs/' fm = nc.Dataset(fmasks) reg_name = 'EU_27' reg = np.array(fm[reg_name]) dir_results = '/home/chimereicos/VERIFYoutputs/surface-inv-' dir_out = '/controlvect/flux/' year_beg = 2005 year_end = 2017 # read controlvect list_dates = [] tsprEU = [] tspoEU = [] for yy in range(year_beg, year_end + 1, 1): print(yy) fcv = '{}{}{}/'.format(dir_results, yy, dir_out) ds = xr.open_dataset(fcv) dates = ds['time_phys'].to_dataframe() list_dates.append(dates['time_phys'].loc[( == 1) & (dates.index.hour == 1)].tolist()) flpr = readnc(fcv,['xb_phys']) flpo = readnc(fcv,['x_phys']) # over the selected region flprEU = flpr[:-1,:,:,:] * reg tsprEU.append(np.mean(flprEU)) flpoEU = flpo[:-1,:,:,:] * reg tspoEU.append(np.mean(flpoEU)) #################### # plot time series # #################### plt.figure(figsize=(21,11)) plt.title('Methane emissions: average in {}'.format(reg_name), fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('$^{-2}$.s$^{-1}$', fontsize=15) list_ticks = [] for ld in list_dates: list_ticks.append(ld[0]) list_names = [] for d in list_ticks: list_names.append(d.strftime('%Y')) plt.xticks(list_ticks, list_names, fontsize=15) plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) plt.yticks(fontsize=15), tsprEU, label = 'prior', width=-100, align='edge'), tspoEU, label = 'posterior', width=100, align='edge') plt.legend(fontsize=15) plt.savefig('ts_fluxes_{}.png'.format(reg_name)) plt.close()