dummy/std dummy/std
This toy model is implemented in the CIF as a testing utility. It can easily be run on office laptop with low computational requirements. Thus, features in pycif can be explored quickly.
It is also proposed as a minimal example of a fully implemented model in pycif. We recommend developers to explore its code as a template for new model implementation in pycif.
Gaussian plume equation#
The Toy Gaussian Model follows the standard version of the Gaussian plume equation based on Pasquill-Gifford stability classification:
x is the distance between the source and receptor points, (a, b, c, d) are parameters depending on the stability class.
Parameter values#
The Gaussian plume model as implemented in pycif is based on the U.S. E.P.A. model ISC3 (Industrial Source Complex). The model is described in the report EPA-454/B-95-003b of September 1995. The parameter values are given in Section 1.1.5 from page 1-15 to 1-19.
YAML arguments#
The following arguments are used to configure the plugin. pyCIF will return an exception at the initialization if mandatory arguments are not specified, or if any argument does not fit accepted values or type:
Mandatory arguments#
- file_pg : str, mandatory
file with Pasquill-Gifford stability classes. Give correspondences between stability classes and gaussian dispersion parameters. The file is provided alongside pyCIF sources in the directory:
Optional arguments#
- autoflush : bool, optional, default False
Cleans big temporary files when the simulation is done. Triggers the function
of the model if available
- periods : str, optional, default “1D”
length of simulation sub-periods
- tstep : str, optional, default “1h”
length of simulation temproal steps
- save_H : bool, optional, default False
save the sensitivity matrix to a pickle file
- reload_H : str, optional, default “”
Load the sensitivity matrix from the given pickle file
The current plugin requires the present plugins to run properly:
Requirement name |
Requirement type |
Explicit definition |
Any valid |
Default name |
Default version |
domain |
False |
False |
dummy |
std |
flux |
True |
False |
dummy |
nc |
meteo |
True |
False |
dummy |
csv |
YAML template#
Please find below a template for a YAML configuration:
2 plugin:
3 name: dummy
4 version: std
5 type: model
7 # Mandatory arguments
8 file_pg: XXXXX # str
10 # Optional arguments
11 autoflush: XXXXX # bool
12 periods: XXXXX # str
13 tstep: XXXXX # str
14 save_H: XXXXX # bool
15 reload_H: XXXXX # str