1. Preparing inputs from scratch or raw data#
How to use the cheat-sheet for plugins
In the following, plugins have te be used and provided specifications. The arguments can be found in the documentation of each plugin. To make access to the plugins easier, the cheat-sheet shows them sorted by type: the various types are the left-most (e.g. chemistry, controlvect, fields). For each type, available plugins are listed with the name, version of each displayed. Note that stating the name and version of a plugin is mandatory, whereas stating its type not always necessary.
1.1. Domain#
The up to 4 files defining the simulation domain can be generated as explained in making a new domain.
For generating a domain using a particular horizontal or vertical grid, which is not pre-coded, it is possible to write the relevant files manually.
The chosen domain must be generated with a simple yaml as shown in the tutorial above, hand-made or taken from ready-made files once for all. The domain is then used for generating all the other inputs.
1.2. Chemistry#
The 12 files defining a chemical scheme for CHIMERE are not yet pre-processed by the CIF. See the dedicated documentation to elaborate them or use one of the already existing schemes.
1.3. Meteorology#
The CIF is able to pre-process ECMWF grib files into the right format for CHIMERE.
When planning simulations, the safer procedure is to generate the required METEO.nc files as explained in generating meteo from ECMWF and store them. Note that pre-processing the meteorology requires the domain.
Their content must be checked, with plots, maps, etc.
The simulations can afterwards point to these METEO.nc files, as shown in the tutorial for a simulation from ready-made files.
1.4. Emissions#
The CIF is able to pre-process various raw files into the right format for CHIMERE’s AEMISSIONS and BEMISSIONS as explained in generating emission files from raw data.
It can also combine ready-made files together, as expained here.
Both approaches can be used together as shown in One species (among several) taken from a raw inventory on one level.
1.5. Boundary conditions#
The CIF is able to pre-process various raw files into the right format for CHIMERE’s INI_CONCS and BOUN_CONCS as explained in generating boundary conditions from raw data.
It can also combine ready-made files together, as expained here.
Both approaches can be used together as shown in One species (among several) taken from a raw inventory on one level.