
CONGRAD follows a conjugate gradient method combined with a Lanczos algorithm. It can be used to solve positive definite quadratic functions or to solve linear systems involving a symmetric positive definite matrix. It was originally developed at ECMWF (Fisher, 1998) and adapted in Python in 2004.

The algorithm requires the following arguments:

  • maxiter: maximum number of iterations; mandatory

  • zreduc: required reduction in gradient norm; optional; default is 1e-15

  • pevbnd: Accuracy required of approximate eigenvectors; optional; default is 0.01

  • kverbose: verbose level, from 0 to 2; optional; default is 1

  • ldsolve: minimize the cost function; optional; default is 1; for expert users only

A Yaml template presents as follows:

minimizer :
    name: congrad
    version: std
      name: gausscost
      version: std
  kverbose: 1


CONGRAD requires the following plugins to be executed properly:

1. a simulator to compute function to minimize; optional: default is (gausscost, std)