Yaml arguments

The following arguments are used to configure the plugin. pyCIF will return an exception at the initialization if mandatory arguments are not specified, or if any argument does not fit accepted values or type:

Mandatory arguments

xmin: (mandatory)

West longitude of the domain

accepted type: float

xmax: (mandatory)

East longitude of the domain

accepted type: float

ymin: (mandatory)

South latitude of the domain

accepted type: float

ymax: (mandatory)

North latitude of the domain

accepted type: float

nlon: (mandatory)

Number of grid cells in the zonal direction

accepted type: float

nlat: (mandatory)

Number of grid cells in the meridional direction

accepted type: float

outheight_header: (mandatory)

Name of the header file in dir_heights

accepted type: str

Optional arguments

nested: (optional): True

Indicate whether the domain is nested or not. For non nested domains, only the ‘nest’ domain is loaded and not the ‘global’ one

accepted type: bool

xmin_glob: (optional): 0

East longitude of the global domain for the nested case

accepted type: float

ymin_glob: (optional): 0

South latitude of the global domain for the nested case

accepted type: float

nlon_glob: (optional): 0

Number of grid cells in the zonal direction for the nested case

accepted type: float

nlat_glob: (optional): 0

Number of grid cells in the meridional direction for the nested case

accepted type: float

dx_glob: (optional): 1

Zonal resolution in the nested case

accepted type: float

dy_glob: (optional): 1

Meridional resolution in the nested case

accepted type: float

pressure_unit: (optional): hPa

Unit for the pressure in the VCOORD file

accepted values:

  • Pa: Pascals

  • hPa: hectoPascals

dir_heights: (optional):

directory where the header defining the output vertical levels of FLEXPART is stored

accepted type: str

ignore_heights: (optional): False

Ignore the outheight_header and simply generate height at ground level

accepted type: str

Yaml template

Please find below a template for a Yaml configuration:

 2  plugin:
 3    name: FLEXPART
 4    version: std
 5    type: domain
 7  # Mandatory arguments
 8  xmin: XXXXX  # float
 9  xmax: XXXXX  # float
10  ymin: XXXXX  # float
11  ymax: XXXXX  # float
12  nlon: XXXXX  # float
13  nlat: XXXXX  # float
14  outheight_header: XXXXX  # str
16  # Optional arguments
17  nested: XXXXX  # bool
18  xmin_glob: XXXXX  # float
19  ymin_glob: XXXXX  # float
20  nlon_glob: XXXXX  # float
21  nlat_glob: XXXXX  # float
22  dx_glob: XXXXX  # float
23  dy_glob: XXXXX  # float
24  pressure_unit: XXXXX  # Pa|hPa
25  dir_heights: XXXXX  # str
26  ignore_heights: XXXXX  # str