Global Fire Emission Database v4 GFED4/std

Global Fire Emission Database v4 GFED4/std#


This is the plugin to accommodate fluxes as generated in the database GFED.

Monthly HDF files are expected. Data can be downloaded directly on GFED website here.

A detailed README file with all details on the data format is available here.

Use the yaml parameters to select the temporal resolution from monthly/daily/diurnal. Depending on resolution, sub-monthly fraction are used or not.

Scale burned dry matter to trace gas emissions using the scaling factors from GFED official file: GFED4_Emission_Factors.txt. The trace gas to be used in the emission factor file is taken as the tracer name in the Yaml. It is possible to specify another tracer using varname


It is possible to use other scaling factors by specifying a custom scaling factor using the transform unit_conversion.


Emissions processed by the present plugin are reported in g${species}/hour. Original GFED data are reported in g/month. The conversion to hours is carried out to simplify further conversions without having to bother about the number of days per month.

YAML arguments#

The following arguments are used to configure the plugin. pyCIF will return an exception at the initialization if mandatory arguments are not specified, or if any argument does not fit accepted values or type:

Optional arguments#

dir : str, optional, default “”

Path to the corresponding component. This value is used if not provided in parameters

file : str, optional, default “”

File format in the given directory. This value is used if not provided in parameters

varname : str, optional, default “”

Variable name to use to read data filesinstead of the parameter name if different to the parameter name

file_freq : str, optional, default “1YS”

File frequency of GFED outputs

split_freq : str, optional

Force splitting the processing at a given frequency different to file_freq

temporal_fraction : “monthly” or “daily” or “diurnal”, optional, default “diurnal”

Temporal fraction to use to generate emissions.

  • “monthly”: use only monthly surface areas

  • “daily”: use the daily_fraction variable in HDF files

  • “diurnal”: use the diurnal_fraction variable in HDF files.

file_emisfactors : optional

Full path to the file GFED4_Emission_Factors.txt.


This parameter is not mandatory. If not specified, dry matter values will be directly read and not converted. In that case, make sure to have a unit_conversion transform specified in your yaml.

ecosystems : list, optional, default [‘SAVA’, ‘BORF’, ‘TEMF’, ‘DEFO’, ‘PEAT’, ‘AGRI’]

List of ecosystems to include in the computed fluxes

YAML template#

Please find below a template for a YAML configuration:

 2  plugin:
 3    name: GFED4
 4    version: std
 5    type: flux
 7  # Optional arguments
 8  dir: XXXXX  # str
 9  file: XXXXX  # str
10  varname: XXXXX  # str
11  file_freq: XXXXX  # str
12  split_freq: XXXXX  # str
13  temporal_fraction: XXXXX  # monthly|daily|diurnal
14  file_emisfactors: XXXXX  # any
15  ecosystems: XXXXX  # list