Source code for pycif.plugins.obsoperators.standard.transforms.connect_pipes

import copy
import itertools
from logging import debug
from .utils import add_default

[docs] def connect_pipes(self, all_transforms, backup_comps, mapper): """Connect transforms based on their inputs and outputs""" # Update precursors and successors with all possible transformation # using the corresponding input/output # For each transformation, looking for all trid in its own inputs that # are found in outputs from another transform before it for itransf, transform in enumerate(all_transforms.attributes): transf = getattr(all_transforms, transform) transf_mapper = mapper[transform] transf_mapper["precursors"] = transf_mapper.get("precursors", {}) precursors = transf_mapper["precursors"] for inpt in transf_mapper["inputs"]: if inpt not in precursors: precursors[inpt] = [] for tr in all_transforms.attributes[:itransf]: if inpt in mapper[tr]["outputs"] \ and tr not in precursors[inpt]: precursors[inpt].append(tr) transf_mapper["successors"] = transf_mapper.get("successors", {}) successors = transf_mapper["successors"] for outpt in transf_mapper["outputs"]: if outpt not in successors: successors[outpt] = [] for tr in all_transforms.attributes[itransf + 1:]: if outpt in mapper[tr]["inputs"] \ and tr not in successors[outpt]: successors[outpt].append(tr) # Clean successors and precursors by removing direct pipes # This means that some successive transforms may have the same # inputs/outputs and only carry on computations on them only, i.e., # not changing the shape of the datastore. for itransf, transform in enumerate(all_transforms.attributes): transf = getattr(all_transforms, transform) transf_mapper = mapper[transform] successors = transf_mapper["successors"] for trid in successors: redundancy = set(itertools.chain( *[mapper[tr_ref]["successors"].get(trid, []) for tr_ref in successors[trid]])) for trtmp in redundancy: if trtmp != transform: successors[trid].remove(trtmp) precursors = transf_mapper["precursors"] for trid in precursors: redundancy = set(itertools.chain( *[mapper[tr_ref]["precursors"].get(trid, []) for tr_ref in precursors[trid]])) for trtmp in redundancy: if trtmp != transform: precursors[trid].remove(trtmp)