Source code for

import pandas as pd
import datetime
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import glob
import numpy as np

from logging import info, debug

[docs] def run(self, runsubdir, mode, workdir, ddi, nbproc=1, do_simu=True, approx_transf=False, ref_fwd_dir="", overlap=False, **kwargs): """Run the model in forward, tangent-linear or adjoint mode. This includes: - executing the model external executable - updating ``adj_refdir`` - moving files needed for chained simulations to "{}/../".format(runsubdir) Note: For model for which the adjoint is not coded, make sure to return a clear error if the ``run`` function is called in ``adj`` mode and with ``do_simu = True`` Args: self: the model Plugin runsubdir (str): working directory for the current run mode (str): forward or backward workdir (str): pyCIF working directory do_simu (bool): re-run or not existing simulation """ if not do_simu: # if mode in ["fwd", "tl"]: # self.adj_refdir = "{}/../".format(runsubdir) return with open("{}/log.std".format(runsubdir), "w") as log: process = subprocess.Popen( "ls", cwd=runsubdir, stdout=log, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) _, stderr = process.communicate() if stderr != "": debug("Deal with exception in executable") # If not running the model, copy expected pre-computed output files if self.only_outputs: debug("Here, one should copy reference files from a directory " "given as argument in the Yaml to $runsubdir: {}" .format(runsubdir)) # if mode in ["fwd", "tl"]: # # Adj_refdir is not the runsubdir itself # # (which corresponds to a sub-simulation) # # But the level above, which is the full chained simulation # self.adj_refdir = "{}/../".format(runsubdir) # Now move necessary files to the chain directory os.system("mv -f {runsubdir}/XXXXX {runsubdir}/../chain/XXX" .format(runsubdir=runsubdir))