Methane net total emissions in Europe (WP4)# Prepare emissions for WP4 protocol Inversions with surface stations 1. Prepare the data to assimilate 1. Automatically make one job per year 3. Post-processing a. Maps of fluxes and increments b. Time series of mixing ratios and maps of statistical indicators at the stations c. Yearly emission budgets for various regions d. Time series of emissions for various regions Inversions with TROPOMI data 1. Plot raw TROPOMI data 2. Put TROPOMI data into a CIF monitor file 3. Filter after a first forward simulation 4. Run the job for year 2019 5. Post-processing includes: a. Maps of fluxes and increments b. Comparison of columns (obs to prior and obs to post) as scatter plots c. Maps of columns data/prior/posterior and differences d. Time series of emissions, budgets per country