Centre de Calcul Recherche et Technologie with NVIDIA environnement TGCC-CCRT/nvidia

Centre de Calcul Recherche et Technologie with NVIDIA environnement TGCC-CCRT/nvidia#


This plugin deals with specific environment characteristics of the cluster at the Très Grand Centre de calcul (France), more specifically the Nvidia GPUs partitions of the Centre de Calcul Recherche et Technologie.

YAML arguments#

The following arguments are used to configure the plugin. pyCIF will return an exception at the initialization if mandatory arguments are not specified, or if any argument does not fit accepted values or type:

Optional arguments#

python : str, optional, default “python -m mpi4py -rc initialize=False”

the python command used to run sub-instances of pyCIF

python_venv : str, optional

path to the python virtual environment to use

python_module : str, optional, default “python3/3.10.6”

the python module to load

gpu : bool, optional, default False

change the command used to run parallel programs in order to allocate one GPU

partition : “rome” or “skylake” or “a64fx” or “v100” or “v100l” or “v100l-os” or “hybrid” or “xlarge” or “v100xl”, optional

partition on which to submit job, used as the -q option for the cc_msub command

project : str, optional

project on which to submit job, used as the -A option for the cc_msub command

filesystem : “Any subset of [‘scratch’, ‘work’, ‘store’], separated by commas or ‘all’”, optional, default “all”

the file system(s) required by the job, used as the -m option for the cc_msub command

qos : “long” or “normal” or “test”, optional, default “normal”

Quality of Service (QoS) used to submit job, used as the -Q option for the cc_msub command

walltime : int, optional, default 7200

maximum walltime of the submited job, used as the -T option for the cc_msub command

nodes : int, optional, default 1

number of nodes to use by the jobs launched by the CIF, used as the -n option for the cc_msub command

cores : int, optional, default 1

number of cores to use by the jobs launched by the CIF, used as the -c option for the cc_msub command

submit_msub : bool, optional, default True

Submit the job with ccc_msub. If false simply run it within the same instance


The current plugin requires the present plugins to run properly:

Requirement name

Requirement type

Explicit definition

Any valid

Default name

Default version







YAML template#

Please find below a template for a YAML configuration:

 2  plugin:
 3    name: TGCC-CCRT
 4    version: nvidia
 5    type: platform
 7  # Optional arguments
 8  python: XXXXX  # str
 9  python_venv: XXXXX  # str
10  python_module: XXXXX  # str
11  gpu: XXXXX  # bool
12  partition: XXXXX  # rome|skylake|a64fx|v100|v100l|v100l-os|hybrid|xlarge|v100xl
13  project: XXXXX  # str
14  filesystem: XXXXX  # Any subset of ['scratch', 'work', 'store'], separated by commas or 'all'
15  qos: XXXXX  # long|normal|test
16  walltime: XXXXX  # int
17  nodes: XXXXX  # int
18  cores: XXXXX  # int
19  submit_msub: XXXXX  # bool