CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre EMPA/daint

CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre EMPA/daint#

YAML arguments#

The following arguments are used to configure the plugin. pyCIF will return an exception at the initialization if mandatory arguments are not specified, or if any argument does not fit accepted values or type:

Optional arguments#

python : str, optional, default “python”

Path to the python interpreter to used.

nodes : int, optional, default 1

number of nodes to use by the jobs launched to run a CIF segment (analytic, EnKF modes)

cores : int, optional, default 36

number of cores per node to use by the jobs launched by the CIF (analytic, EnKF modes)

time : str, optional, default “01:30:00”

Time limit of the job

queue : str, optional, default “normal”

queue on which to submit the jobs launched by the CIF (analytic, EnKF modes)

constraint : str, optional, default “mc”

Run on multicores (mc) or GPUs (gpu).

project : str, optional, default “em05”

project on which to submit job

memory : int, optional

Amount of memory to us in Gb

time_model : str, optional

Time limit of the model job if different job

nodes_model : int, optional

number of nodes to use by the jobs launched to run the model

memory_model : int, optional

Amount of memory to us in Gb for the model if different job


The current plugin requires the present plugins to run properly:

Requirement name

Requirement type

Explicit definition

Any valid

Default name

Default version







YAML template#

Please find below a template for a YAML configuration:

 2  plugin:
 3    name: EMPA
 4    version: daint
 5    type: platform
 7    # Optional arguments
 8    python: XXXXX  # str
 9    nodes: XXXXX  # int
10    cores: XXXXX  # int
11    time: XXXXX  # str
12    queue: XXXXX  # str
13    constraint: XXXXX  # str
14    project: XXXXX  # str
15    memory: XXXXX  # int
16    time_model: XXXXX  # str
17    nodes_model: XXXXX  # int
18    memory_model: XXXXX  # int