Template plugin for observation parsers template/std

Template plugin for observation parsers template/std#


This is a template to implement a new observation parser plugin. It include all required functions to run properly.

It loops over existing files and generate pseudo data as if they were parsed. The files can be any format, they are just used as a basis for looping.


Please gradually document your plugin properly when starting from the template. It includes input_arguments (see here for details), as well as all information about the original data the plugin is supposed to accommodate.

Please include licensing information, permanent link to download the data (or a contact person if no link is publicly available), as well as data format (temporal and horizontal resolution, names and shape of the data files), and any specific treatment that prevents the plugin from working with another type of files.

YAML arguments#

The following arguments are used to configure the plugin. pyCIF will return an exception at the initialization if mandatory arguments are not specified, or if any argument does not fit accepted values or type:

Optional arguments#

parameter : str, optional, default “CO2”

Name of the species for which to generate observations

obs_min : float, optional, default 380

Lower range for generating random observations

obs_max : float, optional, default 450

Lower range for generating random observations

nstations : int, optional, default 5

Number of stations to randomly distribute

xmin : float, optional, default -180

West border of the domain on which to distribute stations

xmax : float, optional, default 180

East border of the domain on which to distribute stations

ymin : float, optional, default -90

South border of the domain on which to distribute stations

ymax : float, optional, default 90

North border of the domain on which to distribute stations

YAML template#

Please find below a template for a YAML configuration:

 2  plugin:
 3    name: template
 4    version: std
 5    type: obsparser
 7    # Optional arguments
 8    parameter: XXXXX  # str
 9    obs_min: XXXXX  # float
10    obs_max: XXXXX  # float
11    nstations: XXXXX  # int
12    xmin: XXXXX  # float
13    xmax: XXXXX  # float
14    ymin: XXXXX  # float
15    ymax: XXXXX  # float