
This plugin reads ICON-ART domains. See the documentation of ICON-ART domains for further information.

YAML arguments#

The following arguments are used to configure the plugin. pyCIF will return an exception at the initialization if mandatory arguments are not specified, or if any argument does not fit accepted values or type:

Mandatory arguments#

dynamics_grid : str, mandatory

Path to the dynamical grid file. This is the main grid of the ICON model, and the grid that is used for all the outputs.

map_file : str, mandatory

Path to the file that contains the mapping: GRIB2/Netcdf input names <-> ICON internal names.

extpar_file : str, mandatory

Path to the external parameters file.

ifs_137_level_def_file : str, mandatory

Path to the IFS 137 levels definition.

Optional arguments#

lbc_grid : str, optional

Path to the lateral boundary grid file. Only required for running ICON model in limited area mode.

reduced_radiation_grid : str, optional

Path to the reduced radiation grid file. Only required for calculating radiation on a coarser grid.

YAML template#

Please find below a template for a YAML configuration:

 2  plugin:
 3    name: ICON-ART
 4    version: std
 5    type: domain
 7  # Mandatory arguments
 8  dynamics_grid: XXXXX  # str
 9  map_file: XXXXX  # str
10  extpar_file: XXXXX  # str
11  ifs_137_level_def_file: XXXXX  # str
13  # Optional arguments
14  lbc_grid: XXXXX  # str
15  reduced_radiation_grid: XXXXX  # str