This plugin creates or reads CHIMERE domains. See the documentation of CHIMERE domains for further information.
YAML arguments#
The following arguments are used to configure the plugin. pyCIF will return an exception at the initialization if mandatory arguments are not specified, or if any argument does not fit accepted values or type:
Mandatory arguments#
- repgrid : str, mandatory
Path to the directory where the COORD files are to be found. Details on the structure of this folder are given here
- domid : str, mandatory
Name of the domain
- nlev : int, mandatory
Number of vertical levels
- p1 : float, mandatory
Pressure at the top of the first layer (in hPa).
- pmax : float, mandatory
Pressure at the top of the domain (in hPa).
Optional arguments#
- emissublayer : bool, optional, default False
Use a sub-layer for surface emissions
- stretching : float, optional, default 0
Coefficient used to stretch domain regular in kilometers
- buffer_layer : float, optional, default 0
Buffer layer near the surface
- dir_landuse : str, optional, default “”
Path to GLCF data
- file_aggregation : str, optional, default “”
Path to the file LAND_AGGREGATION
- dx : float, optional, default “”
size of cells in longitude
- dy : float, optional, default “”
size of cells in latitude
- type : “km” or “deg”, optional, default “”
type of horizontal grid to generate
- xcenter : float, optional, default “”
longitude of the center of the domain (used with ‘km’ type)
- ycenter : float, optional, default “”
latitude of the center of the domain (used with ‘km’ type)
- nlon : int, optional, default “”
number of cells in longitude (used with ‘km’ type)
- nlat : int, optional, default “”
number of cells in latitude (used with ‘km’ type)
- xmin : float, optional, default “”
longitude of the East side of the domain (used with ‘deg’ type)
- xmax : float, optional, default “”
longitude of the West side of the domain (used with ‘deg’ type)
- ymin : float, optional, default “”
latitude of the South side of the domain (used with ‘deg’ type)
- ymax : float, optional, default “”
latitude of the North side of the domain (used with ‘deg’ type)
YAML template#
Please find below a template for a YAML configuration:
2 plugin:
3 name: CHIMERE
4 version: std
5 type: domain
7 # Mandatory arguments
8 repgrid: XXXXX # str
9 domid: XXXXX # str
10 nlev: XXXXX # int
11 p1: XXXXX # float
12 pmax: XXXXX # float
14 # Optional arguments
15 emissublayer: XXXXX # bool
16 stretching: XXXXX # float
17 buffer_layer: XXXXX # float
18 dir_landuse: XXXXX # str
19 file_aggregation: XXXXX # str
20 dx: XXXXX # float
21 dy: XXXXX # float
22 type: XXXXX # km|deg
23 xcenter: XXXXX # float
24 ycenter: XXXXX # float
25 nlon: XXXXX # int
26 nlat: XXXXX # int
27 xmin: XXXXX # float
28 xmax: XXXXX # float
29 ymin: XXXXX # float
30 ymax: XXXXX # float