The netcdf file fluxstoke.nc
contains information on the mass fluxes computed by the on-line model.
The format of fluxstoke.nc is as follows, with NLON the number of cells in longitude, NLAT the number of cells in latitude, NLEV the number of vertical layers e.g. for a grid defined as 96x95x39
in compile_dispersion
, NLON = 96, NLAT = 95, NLEV=39.
netcdf fluxstoke {
lat = NLAT+1 ;
lon = NLON+1 ;
time_counter = UNLIMITED ; // (248 currently)
sig_s = NLEV ;
float aire(lat, lon) ;
aire:units = "-" ;
aire:standard_name = "Grid area" ;
aire:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
aire:long_name = "Grid area" ;
aire:online_operation = "once" ;
aire:coordinates = "nav_lat_scalar nav_lon_scalar" ;
float masse(time_counter, sig_s, lat, lon) ;
masse:units = "kg" ;
masse:standard_name = "Masse" ;
masse:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
masse:long_name = "Masse" ;
masse:online_operation = "inst(X)" ;
masse:interval_operation = 10800.f ;
masse:interval_write = 10800.f ;
masse:coordinates = "time_counter sig_s nav_lat_scalar nav_lon_scalar" ;
float pbaru(time_counter, sig_s, lat, lon) ;
pbaru:units = "kg m/s" ;
pbaru:standard_name = "flx de masse zonal" ;
pbaru:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
pbaru:long_name = "flx de masse zonal" ;
pbaru:online_operation = "inst(X)" ;
pbaru:interval_operation = 10800.f ;
pbaru:interval_write = 10800.f ;
pbaru:coordinates = "time_counter sig_s lat lon" ;
float phi(time_counter, sig_s, lat, lon) ;
phi:units = "-" ;
phi:standard_name = "geopotentiel instantane" ;
phi:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
phi:long_name = "geopotentiel instantane" ;
phi:online_operation = "inst(X)" ;
phi:interval_operation = 10800.f ;
phi:interval_write = 10800.f ;
phi:coordinates = "time_counter sig_s nav_lat_scalar nav_lon_scalar" ;
float phis(lat, lon) ;
phis:units = "-" ;
phis:standard_name = "Surface geop. height" ;
phis:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
phis:long_name = "Surface geop. height" ;
phis:online_operation = "once" ;
phis:coordinates = "nav_lat_scalar nav_lon_scalar" ;
float sig_s(sig_s) ;
sig_s:axis = "Z" ;
sig_s:standard_name = "model_level_number" ;
sig_s:units = "sigma_level" ;
sig_s:valid_min = 1.f ;
sig_s:valid_max = 39.f ;
sig_s:title = "sig_s" ;
sig_s:long_name = "Niveaux sigma" ;
float teta(time_counter, sig_s, lat, lon) ;
teta:units = "-" ;
teta:standard_name = "temperature potentielle" ;
teta:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
teta:long_name = "temperature potentielle" ;
teta:online_operation = "inst(X)" ;
teta:interval_operation = 10800.f ;
teta:interval_write = 10800.f ;
teta:coordinates = "time_counter sig_s nav_lat_scalar nav_lon_scalar" ;
float w(time_counter, sig_s, lat, lon) ;
w:units = "kg m/s" ;
w:standard_name = "flx de masse vert" ;
w:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
w:long_name = "flx de masse vert" ;
w:online_operation = "inst(X)" ;
w:interval_operation = 10800.f ;
w:interval_write = 10800.f ;
w:coordinates = "time_counter sig_s nav_lat_scalar nav_lon_scalar" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.1" ;
:file_name = "fluxstoke.nc" ;
:production = "An IPSL model" ;
:TimeStamp = "2015-OCT-17 17:39:00 GMT+0200" ;
:nco_openmp_thread_number = 1 ;
:NCO = "4.4.8" ;