######################################### Reading and plotting the data of obsvect ######################################### .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash The data for obsvect are contained in :bash:`monitor.nc` files in :bash:`$WORKDIR/obsoperator/fwd_NN/obsvect/THE_CONSTRAINT/SPEC/` with NN = -001 for the prior and NN = -002 for the posterior, THE_CONSTRAINT is the type of assimilated date (for example, concs or satellites, see :doc:`tutorials on observations`) and SPEC is the name of the matching parameters (generally, chemical species). They are formatted as follows, as described in :doc:`the general documentation on inputs and outputs`: .. literalinclude:: dump_monitor.txt .. mettre XXX map_monitor_stations.py + ts_monit_concs.py + map_monitor_sat.py+nuage_monit_cocns.py +filter_monitor_after_first_try_TROPOMI.py Examples for reading and plotting :bash:`controlvect.nc` files are given in :doc:`the VERIFY project`.