################################################ Reading and plotting the data in controlvect.nc ################################################ .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash .. warning:: To generate :bash:`controlvect.nc` files, use the option :bash:`save_out_netcdf` in :doc:`controlvect`. The NetCDF controlvect files are stored in :bash:`$WORKDIR/controlvect/THE_VARIABLE` with :bash:`THE_VARIABLE` = flux, inicond, latcond, topcond, etc, according to the :bash:`components` selected for inversion in :bash:`datavect` (see :doc:`tutorial for an inversion`). They are formatted as follows: .. literalinclude:: dump_generic_controlvect.txt with: - TT: the number of time steps at the controlled resolution. For example, fluxes inverted at a weekly time resolution during two months will give TT=8 - NL, NLAT, NLON, NLATC, NLONC: the number of vretical levels, latitudes, longitudes, corners' latitudes, corners' longitudes of the physical grid of the control vector. - PP: the number of time steps at the native resolution of THE_VARIABLE. For example, fluxes inverted at a weekly time resolution during two months (March and April) but provided at an hourly time resolution will give PP = (31 + 30) x 24 = 1464 - :bash:`x` are the increments - :bash:`xb` are the prior values of the increment (generally, 1 for multiplicative corrections, 0 for additive ones) - :bash:`b_std` is the diagonal (variances) of the :math:`\mathbf{P}^\textrm{b}` matrix - :bash:`x_phys` are the physical values of the posterior field - :bash:`xb_phys` are the prior values of the physical field (the prior) - :bash:`b_phys` is the diagonal (variances) of the :math:`\mathbf{P}^\textrm{b}` matrix in physical units. .. explications sur les unites! Examples for reading and plotting :bash:`controlvect.nc` files are given in :doc:`the VERIFY project`.