Tutorials for users =================== All tutorials assume that you already have successfully :doc:`installed` pyCIF. Tutorials by model ------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 chimere_tutos/index lmdz_tutos/index Tutorials by thematic --------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 first-simu/index first-comp-to-obs/index first-inversion/index elaborated-inputs/index superobs testing-codes/index further-inversions/index further-simus/index response-functions/index using-transforms/index post-processing/index autocompletion .. toctree:: :hidden: first-simu-readymade/index .. XXX checks, run in $WORKIR avec run.py et nb proc du nml pour CHIMEREXXXX refaire la serie de module load necessaires puis mpirun "run_options" -np $NBPROC chimere.e avec run_options dans __init__.py = --oversubscribe -mca btl self,sm,tcp et $NBPROC dans chimere.nml nzdoms*nmdoms +1