################################################################### Comparison between a forward simulation with surface observations ################################################################### If not using ready-made :bash:`monitor.nc` files specified in :doc:`obsvect`, the simplest option is to make use of the available specification of components of the :bash:`datavect` dedicated to observations. For in-situ data, the plugin :bash:`concs` has been designed and can be used to specify the monitor formatted files to use for various parameters XX possible for several species? What about vetical levels?XXX .. code-block:: yaml concs: parameters: S1 : dir: directory_where_monitor_files_for_S1_are located file: monitor_file_for_one_month_%Y%M.nc Other sets of transformations can also be specified by the user in :bash:`obsoperators` with a :bash:`transform_pipe` XXX more tutos later on this, useful for transformation which are not ready-made in the codeXXXXXX XXX from raw files = measurements? XXXX XX placement sur la verticale??XXX XXXXXXX faire tuto ajout nouvelle lecture d'obs?XXXX