Observation vector (:bash:`obsvect`) ------------------------------------ So far, there is only one possibility for :bash:`obsvect`. For the first simulation, there is no previous file to be read but the file generated by this simulation is dumped to be used in later simulations. .. code-block:: yaml obsvect: plugin: name: standard version: std dump: True In case all the :bash:`monitor.nc` files to use for comparison are ready and arranged in a directory into sub-folders by type (e.g. "OMI", "IASI") then sub-folders by species (e.g. "CH4", "N2O"), then it is possible to simply indicate here the root directory. .. code-block:: yaml obsvect: plugin: name: standard version: std dump: True dir_obsvect: directory_with_perfectly_ordained_and_formatted_monitor_netcdf_files/ If the branching is empty or not right, or the files are not named "monitor.nc", then the information will not be used. Therefore, in most cases, information for measurements is provided in :bash:`datavect`, in the dedicated components. The requirements for the standard obsvect are :bash:`model` and :bash:`datavect`.