############################ Generating meteo from ECMWF ############################ The present tutorial explains how to generate meteo files from ECMWF data. Further information on the file formats and on how to download the necessary data fro ECMWF is given :doc:`here`. The meteo is generated using the transform :doc:`diagmet`, which is a modernized Python version of the old diagmet.F90 program. It is possible to generate METEO files using the yaml below: .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Show/Hide Code .. code-block:: yaml pycif_data_root: &pycif_data_root /home/chimereges/PYCIF_TEST_DATA/CHIMERE pycif_root: &pycif_root /home/users/aberchet/CIF/ verbose : 1 logfile: test_std workdir: &workdir /home/chimereges/aberchet/test_ipison_strato3/ datei : 2011-03-22 00:00:00 datef : 2011-03-22 03:00:00 obsoperator: plugin: name: standard version: std autorestart: True save_debug: True init_inputs: components: meteo: [] model : plugin: name : CHIMERE version : std periods: 3H direxec: !join [*pycif_root, /model_sources/chimereGES/] nphour_ref : 6 ichemstep : 1 ideepconv: 0 nivout: 17 nlevemis: 7 chemistry : dir_precomp : !join [*pycif_data_root, /chemical_schemes/] schemeid : univ.melchior2 domain : plugin: name : CHIMERE version : std domid : ACADOK repgrid : !join [*pycif_data_root, /domains/] nlev: 17 p1: 997 pmax: 200 controlvect: plugin: name: standard version: std transform_pipe: diagmet: plugin: name: diagmet version: std type: transform file_landuse: /home/chimereges/PYCIF_TEST_DATA/CHIMERE/domains/LANDUSE/LANDUSE_ACADOK file_landpar: /home/chimereges/PYCIF_TEST_DATA/CHIMERE/domains/LANDPAR datavect: plugin: name: standard version: std components: meteo: plugin: name: CHIMERE version: std type: meteo file_freq: 3H dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ regrid: method: mass-conservation parameters: winm: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: v file: uvtqc.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 winz: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: u dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: uvtqc.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 temp: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: t dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: uvtqc.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 sphu: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: q dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: uvtqc.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 clwc: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: clwc dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: uvtqc.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 dpdu: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: p106.162 dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: deepconv.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 decumul: True unit_conversion: scale: 9.259259259259259e-05 upfl: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: p104.162 dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: deepconv.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 decumul: True unit_conversion: scale: 9.259259259259259e-05 dwfl: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: p105.162 dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: deepconv.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 decumul: True unit_conversion: scale: 9.259259259259259e-05 dpdd: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: p107.162 dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: deepconv.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 decumul: True unit_conversion: scale: 9.259259259259259e-05 psurf: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: sp dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True hght: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: blh dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True u10m: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: u10 dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True v10m: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: v10 dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True tem2: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: t2m dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True sshf: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: sshf dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True decumul: True unit_conversion: scale: -9.259259259259259e-05 slhf: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: slhf dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True decumul: True unit_conversion: scale: -9.259259259259259e-05 lspc: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: lsp dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True decumul: True unit_conversion: scale: 333.333 copc: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: cp dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True decumul: True unit_conversion: scale: 333.333 clol: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: lcc dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True clom: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: mcc dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True cloh: plugin: name: ECMWF version: grib2 type: field varname: hcc dir: /home/comdata1/Meteo/europe160/%Y/%m/ file: 2d.160europe.%Y%m%d{di}00%H.grb2 surface: True The yaml will generate meteo files in :bash:`${WORKDIR}/obsoperator/fwd_0000/`, therein in sub-folders by date. Good practices =============== If your are a new user of the CIF or if you use raw files for the fist time, it is safer to follow the steps: 1. Prepare a yaml for only generating the meteorology (as shown above). 2. Run the system with this yaml. 3. Check the generated inputs, as explained in :ref:`chimere_check_inputs_readymade`. .. todo:: Test todo in tutorial