Downloading and preprocessing EDGAR dataset ########################################### GCP-CH4 uses EDGAR CH4 fluxes inventory as for its inversions' anthropogenic fluxes a priori. This inventory can be downloaded from the `EDGAR webiste `_. The script bellow is an example for downloading and unzipping the EDGARv6.0 CH4 dataset: .. admonition:: Show/Hide ```` :class: dropdown .. code-block:: bash :linenos: #!/usr/bin/bash DIR="$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd)" year_start=2000 year_stop=2018 base_url="" sector_lists=( \ 'AGS' 'AWB' 'CHE' 'ENE' 'ENF' 'FFF' 'IND' 'IRO' 'MNM' \ 'PRO_COAL' 'PRO_GAS' 'PRO_OIL' 'RCO' 'REF_TRF' 'SWD_INC' 'SWD_LDF' \ 'TNR_Aviation_CDS' 'TNR_Aviation_CRS' 'TNR_Aviation_LTO' 'TNR_Aviation_SPS' \ 'TNR_Other' 'TNR_Ship' 'TRO_noRES' 'WWT' \ ) for sector in "${sector_list[@]}"; do echo "Downloading Sector ${sector}" mkdir -p "${DIR}/${sector}" if [ "${sector}" = "TNR_Aviation_SPS" ]; then if [ $year_stop -gt 2003 ];then sector_year_stop=2003 fi else sector_year_stop=$year_stop fi for year in $(seq ${year_start} ${sector_year_stop}); do zip_file="${DIR}/${sector}/CH4_${sector}_${year}.zip" wget "${base_url}/${sector}/v6.0_CH4_${year}_monthly_${sector}" \ --output-document "${zip_file}" unzip -o "${zip_file}" -d "${DIR}/${sector}" rm -vf "${zip_file}" sleep 1 # Can prevent "connection denied" errors fi done done EDGAR fluxes are divided in numerous sectors and use a :math:`0.1° \times 0.1°` grid. GCP-CH4 a priori fluxes use a coarser grid and fewer sectors. The YAML files below groups and regrids EDGAR's fluxes files to match the GCP-CH4 a priori format. With those example the files are written in the folder ``/tmp/GCP_Fluxes``. .. warning:: The YAML file ``gcp-regrid-and-group-edgar-full.yml`` is not automatically tested, but the second example file ``gcp-regrid-and-group-edgar.yml`` is. .. note:: The "TNR_Aviation_SPS" sector ends at the end of year 2003, to compute the fluxes between 2004 and 2018 remove the two appearances of this sector in the YAML file (one in ``controlvect/transfrom_pipe/sum_trans`` and one in ``datavect/components/flux/parameters``) and modify the ``datei`` and ``datef`` accordingly. ^ * .. literalinclude:: yml/gcp-regrid-and-group-edgar-full.yml :linenos: :language: yaml .. admonition:: Show/Hide YAML file ``gcp-regrid-and-group-edgar.yml`` (automatically tested) :class: dropdown TODO !! The groups are: - livestocks * ENF * MNM - rice * AGS - waste * SWD_LDF * SWD_INC * WWT - oil & gas * PRO_OIL * PRO_GAS * FFF - coal * PRO_COAL - industry * CHE * IRO * ENE * IND * REF_TRF - transports * TRO_noRES * TNR_Aviation_CDS * TNR_Aviation_CRS * TNR_Aviation_LTO * TNR_Aviation_SPS * TNR_Other * TNR_Ship Here is the target domain NetCDF file which contains the coordinates for a :math:`1° \times 1°` grid. .. admonition:: Show/Hide ```` :class: dropdown .. code-block:: c netcdf domain_1x1 { dimensions: lat = 180 ; lon = 360 ; bounds = 2 ; variables: double lat(lat) ; lat:_FillValue = NaN ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:bounds = "lat_bounds" ; double lon(lon) ; lon:_FillValue = NaN ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:bounds = "lon_bounds" ; double lat_bounds(lat, bounds) ; lat_bounds:_FillValue = NaN ; lat_bounds:long_name = "latitude bounds" ; lat_bounds:standard_name = "latitude_bounds" ; double lon_bounds(lon, bounds) ; lon_bounds:_FillValue = NaN ; lon_bounds:long_name = "longitude bounds" ; lon_bounds:standard_name = "longitude_bounds" ; // global attributes: :coordinates = "lon_bounds lat_bounds" ; }