.. role:: bash(code) :language: bash ############################## Obsparsers (:bash:`obsparser`) ############################## .. contents:: Contents :local: Available Obsparsers (:bash:`obsparser`) ========================================= The following :bash:`obsparsers` are implemented in pyCIF so far: .. toctree:: CO2M icos obspack tropomi_official tropomi_sron tropomi_wfmd template verify wdcgg Description =========== The :bash:`obsparser` (Observation Parser) class parses and formats raw observation files into the standard pyCIF observations format (see :doc:`here ` for details). :bash:`obsparser` objects are called by the :doc:`standard/std ` :bash:`measurement` object. Required parameters, dependencies and functions =============================================== do_parse --------- .. currentmodule:: pycif.plugins.obsparsers.template .. autofunction:: do_parse :noindex: parse_multiple_files (optional) ------------------------------- The ``parse_multiple_files`` is defined by default in the ``ObsParser`` class. It loops on files fitting a path pattern and parses them individually by calling the function ``do_parse``. If files cannot be processed individually, the function ``parse_multiple_files`` should be implemented in the corresponding ``obsparser`` plugin. It should return the dataframe with all required observations. .. autoclass:: pycif.utils.classes.obsparsers.ObsParser .. automethod:: parse_multiple_files :noindex: