################################### Parameters for various processes ################################### LMDz-SACS takes into account various processes: the chemistry, the physics, the convection including or not some thermals. A number of choices are available to the user. See :doc:`LMDz-Dispersion-SACS plugin` for information on how these are done in the yaml. physic ------- If True, the simulation takes into account the physics i.e. reads the variables provided in :doc:`phystoke` and use them to enter the physical loop (see :bash:`dyn3d/timeloop.F90`), splitted into nsplit_phy steps, deduced (see :bash:`dyn3d/dispersion.F90` from the splitting provided in :doc:`totinput`. The physical step in mainly integrated in :bash:`phylmd/phytrac.F90` and includes the chemistry with the sources and sinks, the thermals (if relevant), the convection (according to the chosen scheme) and the boundary layer (parameterized by the mixing coefficient :bash:`coefh` read in phystoke.nc). Thermals --------- Depend on the convection scheme. Convection ----------- Three convection schemes are available: - Tiedke: :bash:`flag_con=2` - Kerry-Emmanuel: :bash:`flag_con=3` - Kerry-Emmanuel with thermics: :bash:`flag_con=30` The choice of the scheme is specified in :doc:`totinput`. do_chemistry ------------ if True (choice specified in :doc:`totinput`), the simulation takes into account the chemistry, as specified by the chemical scheme. It requires to: 1) read the scaling factors for the prescribed species if any in file :doc:`mod_scale_SPEC.bin`, the production/loss fields if any in file :doc:`mod_prodscale_SPEC.bin` (see :bash:`dyn3d/dispersion.F90`) 2) read the deposition velocities if any in :doc:`dep_SPEC.nc` (see :bash:`readsdepvel` called by :bash:`dyn3d/dispersion.F90`) 3) read the chemical fields in :bash:`dyn3d/readchem.F90`, called by :bash:`dispersion.F90` (initialization) and :bash:`timeloop.F90` (each time step :bash:`itau` within each day): photolysis rates, associated temperature and pressure in :doc:`kinetic.nc`, prescribed fields for the prescribed species if any in file :doc:`prescr_SPEC.nc`, production/loss fields if any in file :doc:`prodloss_SPEC.nc`. 4) compute the actual chemical production and loss in :bash:`comp_chemistry` from :bash:`phylmd/comp_chemistry.F90`, called by :bash:`phylmd/phytrac.F90`.