Output files ############ LMDZ-SACS output files are all saved in NetCDF format (execpt trajectory files which are save in raw binary format for I/O speed). Log file ======== * ``dispersion.log``: log file created by CIF, containing information about the simulation, and eventual error messages Observation file ================ * ``obs_out.nc``: observation information, for forward and tangent linear only - ``spec`` variable: simulated mixing ratio in :math:`\mu`mol/mol (ppm) - ``incr`` variable: simulated mixing ratio increments in :math:`\mu`mol/mol (ppm) - ``pressure`` variable: simulated pressure at the middle of the cell (Pa) - ``dpressure`` variable: simulated pressure thickness of the cell (Pa) - ``airm`` variable: level thickness (m) - ``hlay`` variable: dry air density (molec/cm\ :sup:`3`) Tracers related fields files ============================ Initial conditions files ------------------------ * ``restart.nc``: mass mixing ratio for all tracers at the end of the simulation, in kg of species per kg of dry air. - ``[species]`` (lev, lat, lon) or (lev, cell) variable: mass mixing ratio, for forward and tangent linear only - ``[species]_tl`` (lev, lat, lon) or (lev, cell) variable: mass mixing ratio, for tangent linear only - ``[species]`` (lev, lat, lon) or (lev, cell) variable: mass mixing ratio sensitivity, for adjoint only Emissions files --------------- * ``flux_out.nc``: tracers surface emissions sensitivities - ``[species]`` (time, lat, lon) or (time, cell) variable: emissions sensitivities, for adjoint only Trajectory files ---------------- * ``trajq_[species].bin``: 3 hourly tracers trajectory saved by the forward model, in kg of species per kg of dry air, for forward and tangent linear only Chemistry files =============== Prescribed concentrations files ------------------------------- * ``prescrconcs_out.nc``: daily 3D fields of prescribed concentrations sensitivities - ``[species]`` (time, lev, lat, lon) or (time, lev, cell) variable: prescribed concentrations sensitivities, for adjoint only Production and loss files ------------------------- * ``prodloss3d_out.nc``: daily 3D fields of production/loss concentrations sensitivities - ``[species]`` (time, lev, lat, lon) or (time, lev, cell) variable: production/loss concentrations sensitivities, for adjoint only