################################################## Coordinates of the grid and associated information ################################################## .. include:: caution-grid.rst vcoord.nc ---------- The actual longitudes and latitudes are read in vcoord.nc by subroutine :bash:`dynstate1` (in :bash:`dyn3d/dynstate0.F90`). The format of vcoord.nc is as follows, with NLON the number of cells in longitude, NLAT the number of cells in latitude, NLEV the number of vertical layers e.g. for a grid defined as :bash:`96x95x39` in :bash:`compile_dispersion`, NLON = 96, NLAT = 95, NLEV=39. .. literalinclude:: dump_vcoord.txt :language: text .. include:: controle.rst Other variables can be found in vcoord.nc if the file is also to serve for :doc:`initial conditions`.