######################### Initial condition inputs ######################### .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash If :bash:`readstart` is True in :doc:`totinput`, a file containing initial conditions is read. See :doc:`the LMDz-SACS plugin ` for documentation on how to make this choice in the yaml. The netcdf start.nc file can be taken from the :doc:`output of a previous simulation` or generated by the CIF (see :doc:`the fields plugin for LMDz-SACS` the information to provide to the CIF to generate it). The format of start.nc is as follows, with NLON the number of cells in longitude, NLAT the number of cells in latitude, NLEV the number of vertical layers e.g. for a grid defined as :bash:`96x95x39` in :bash:`compile_dispersion`, NLON = 96, NLAT = 95, NLEV=39; NSs are the numbers of the species to initialize, as provided in the second column of :doc:`ACTIVE_SPECIES`. XXX remark: use of number instead of name due to INCA? XXX .. literalinclude:: dump_start.txt :language: text .. include:: controle.rst