################################################ How to add, register and initialize a new plugin ################################################ pyCIF is organized around so-called :bash:`plugins` interacting with each other. Further details about :bash:`plugins` are given :doc:`here<../../documentation/plugins/index>`. Here, you will learn how to add a new :bash:`plugins` of any type. Adding a :bash:`plugin` to pyCIF --------------------------------- A :bash:`plugin` is simply a python module. To add a new plugin of a given class to pyCIF, you need to create a new folder in the correct class folder in :bash:`pycif/plugins/`. You then need to create an empty file called :bash:`__init__.py`, so python interprets the new folder as a python module. .. code-block:: bash cd pycif/plugins cd the-class-you-need-to-create mkdir your-new-plugin cd your-new-plugin touch __init__.py .. note:: Although the :bash:`__init__.py` is not strictly needed by the newest version of python, pycif fetches information directly from this file, for initializing the plugin and automatically documenting it. Therefore, please include it anyway Registering your new :bash:`plugin` to pyCIF -------------------------------------------- pyCIF attaches plugin functions as defined in the corresponding python module in :bash:`pycif/plugins/` automatically from the yaml configuration file. When the new plugin is created, it must be registered, so it can be called by other routines of pyCIF. :bash:`plugins` in pyCIF are identified with: - a name - optional: a version (default: std) To register a new plugin, one must define the name and (if relevant) version in the file :bash:`__init__.py` : .. code-block:: python _name = "the_name" _version = "the_version_if_not_std" You can check that your :bash:`plugin` is correctly registered by using the following commands in python: .. code-block:: python from pycif.utils.classes.baseclass import Plugin Plugin.print_registered() Adding requirements to your :bash:`plugin` ------------------------------------------ All :bash:`plugins` are not stand-alone modules, but instead need attributes, data or functions from other plugins. pyCIF allows you to easily interface :bash:`plugins` with each other through so-called :bash:`requirements`. Further details on requirements can be found :doc:`here<../../documentation/dependencies>`. Information about :bash:`requirements` are specified in the :bash:`__init__.py` file of your :bash:`plugin`. Below is an example of requirements for the :bash:`model` CHIMERE: .. code-block:: python requirements = { "domain": { "name": "CHIMERE", "version": "std", "empty": False, "any": False, }, "chemistry": { "name": "CHIMERE", "version": "gasJtab", "empty": False, "any": False, }, "flux": { "name": "CHIMERE", "version": "AEMISSIONS", "empty": True, "any": False, "subplug": True, "preftree": "datavect/components", }, [...] } With the example above, the :bash:`model` plugin, CHIMERE, requires a :bash:`domain` plugin to work. In the sub-routines of the :bash:`model` plugin, data from the :bash:`domain` can simply be summoned with: .. code-block:: python def some_model_function(self, *args, **kwargs): # Needs the number of grid cells nlon = self.domain.nlon nlat = self.domain.nlat The content of the :bash:`requirements` python dictionary is interpreted when a pyCIF run is initializing. Requirements are fulfilled with regards to the Yaml configuration file. Depending the values of the arguments, :bash:`name`, :bash:`version`, :bash:`empty` :bash:`any`, pyCIF will need the :bash:`requirement` to be explicitly specified or not, default :bash:`plugins` could be used, etc. All details on how this works are given :doc:`here<../../documentation/dependencies>`. Input arguments for your :bash:`plugin` ---------------------------------------- Not all plugins have input arguments. Input arguments are variables provided by the user through the yaml defining the simulation. Input arguments are grouped in a dictionary :doc:`input_arguments`, which contains, for each argument, the documentation, its default value ('None' if no default is permitted i.e. the argument must be explicitly defined) and the accepted type(s) or value(s). .. code-block:: python input_arguments = { "direxec": { "doc": "Path to CHIMERE sources and/or executables. " "For executables, ``fwdchimere.e``, ``tlchimere.e`` and ``achimere.e`` should be in " "``${path}/src``, ``${path}/src_tl`` and ``${path}/src_ad`` respective sub-folders.", "default": None, "accepted": str }, "ideepconv": { "doc": "Computation of the deep convection.", "default": None, "accepted": { 0: "No deep convection", 1: "Select deep convection automatically according to resolution, " "deep conv fluxes from Tiedtke", 2: "Select deep convection automatically according to resolution, " "deep conv fluxes from meteorological data" } }, [...] } Initializing your :bash:`plugin` -------------------------------- Your :bash:`plugin` may need some special operations at initialization. For instance, it may need to copy files, to compile scripts, to read data, to specified default values, etc. All these operations can be specified in the :bash:`__init__.py` by creating a function called :bash:`ini_data`. Below is the :bash:`ini_data` method for the :bash:`model` plugin, CHIMERE: .. code-block:: python def ini_data(plugin, **kwargs): """Initializes CHIMERE Args: plugin (dict): dictionary defining the plugin **kwargs (dictionary): possible extra parameters Returns: loaded plugin and directory with executable """ info("Initializing the model") workdir = getattr(plugin, 'workdir', './') # Initializes the directory path.init_dir('{}/model'.format(workdir)) # Copying the executables target = '{}/model/'.format(workdir) source = '{}/src/fwdchimere.e'.format(plugin.direxec) shutil.copy(source, target) source = '{}/src_tl/tlchimere.e'.format(plugin.direxec) shutil.copy(source, target) source = '{}/src_ad/achimere.e'.format(plugin.direxec) shutil.copy(source, target) # Required inputs for running a CHIMERE simulation plugin.required_inputs = ['exe', 'nml', 'fluxes', 'meteo', 'inicond', 'boundcond'] # Default values: # period: '1D' plugin.periods = getattr(plugin, 'periods', '1D') # Number of hours per period plugin.nhours = int(pd.to_timedelta(plugin.periods).total_seconds() / 3600) plugin.nho = '{:.0f}'.format(plugin.nhours) # Replace name for AEMISSION files plugin.fluxes.file = plugin.fluxes.file.format(nho=plugin.nho) return plugin During initialization of the :bash:`model` plugin, CHIMERE, the following operations are carried out: * creating a new directory :bash:`model/` in the working directory with CHIMERE executables to be called later for simulations * specifying a default value for the attribute :bash:`period` if not given in the configuration file * modifying the template name of CHIMERE fluxes Attaching functions to the plugin --------------------------------- Any plugin is a combination of functions that will be called by itself or by other plugins. It is necessary to attach functions to your plugin so that they can be called this way in other scripts: .. code-block:: python my-plugin.my-function(*args, **kwargs) To do so, you simply need to import the function of interest at the module level, i.e., in the file :bash:`__init__.py`. For any function of interest the import line should be added to the :bash:`__init__.py` file. .. code-block:: python import my-function