######################################################################################################## How to add a new type of data for boundary conditions to be processed by the CIF into a model's inputs ######################################################################################################## 0. .. include:: knownplugin.rst 1. In directory :bash:`plugins/fields`, copy the directory containing the template for a BC plugin :bash:`bc_plugin_template` in the directory for your new plugin. .. include:: register.rst 2. .. include:: usenewplugin.rst .. code-block:: yaml latcond: parameters: S1: plugin: name: BCs version: template type: fields comp_type: latcond dir: dir_with_original_files/ file: file_with_new_fields_too_use_as_BCs file_freq: 1M # case of monthly files 3. .. include:: devplugin.rst XXXXXXX what about the input arguments? Ils demandent une partie dediee!?XXXXXXXXXX 4. Document the new plugin: a) .. include:: readme.rst b) create the rst file that contains the automatic documentation in docs/source/documentation/plugins/fields/. Please provide it with a self-explaining name. Example for the template: file bc_template.rst reads .. code-block:: rest .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash ######################## Template plugin for BCs ######################## .. automodule:: pycif.plugins.datastreams.fields.bc_plugin_template c) add the reference to the rst file in docs/source/documentation/plugins/fields/index.rst: .. code-block:: rest #################### Fields #################### .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash Available Fields ========================= The following :bash:`fields` are implemented in pyCIF: .. toctree:: bc_template chimere_icbc d) built the documentation (:bash:`make html` in docs/) and check that the link to the new plugin appears in the documentation at file:///your_path/cif/docs/build/html/documentation/plugins/index.html and that the section "doc" of the input arguments is correctly displayed at file:///your_path/cif/docs/build/html/documentation/plugins/fields/the_new_plugin.html